
刑事侦查程序的数字化转型 被引量:25

Digitalization of Criminal Investigation Proceedings
摘要 数字技术在不断赋能犯罪侦查的同时,也对传统侦查程序提出了挑战,跨地域取证、数据及时保全、获取第三方协助等需求在侦查过程中不断增强。这些需求在实践中一方面催生出新的侦查措施,但另一方面也形成与《刑事诉讼法》框架下传统侦查程序底层逻辑不相兼容的情况,集中体现在犯罪侦查的情报化、专属侦查权的分散化以及侦查相关性的弱化三个方面。《刑事诉讼法》对上述冲击的整体反应较为迟滞,导致实践中不断扩张的数字侦查措施缺少必要的程序法规制,进而导致侦查权层面打击犯罪与保障人权的失衡。对此,有必要回归到刑事诉讼法律制度的核心价值,以“权力—权利”关系的数字再平衡为核心,基于公民信息权的体系化架构,合比例地重塑数字侦查程序规则。 Digital technologies not only empower criminal investigation but also challenge the underlying logic of the conventional investigation procedural rules.The practice has witnessed continually increased demands for cross-border access to data,timely preservation of e-evidence,and assistance from third parties.These demands stimulate innovations in the practice of investigation,which are not necessarily compatible with the legal regime of criminal proceedings.Key issues include transforming criminal investigation into the intelligence-led model,fragmentizing the investigative power,and weakening the relevance of investigation measures.Given the absence of proper response to digitalization from criminal procedure law,investigation power is expanding without necessary restrictions,leading to imbalance between crime control and human rights protection.Attention should be paid to the rebalance of power and rights in criminal justice in the digital context and the reshaping of the investigation proceedings proportionally in accordance with the information rights.
作者 裴炜 Pei Wei
出处 《地方立法研究》 CSSCI 2022年第4期1-17,共17页 Local Legislation Journal
基金 2021年北京市社会科学基金青年学术带头人项目“刑事诉讼数字合规困境成因及其化解”(21DTR016)阶段性成果。
关键词 刑事侦查 数字化转型 信息权保障 比例原则 criminal investigation digitalization transformation protection of information rights principle of proportionality
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