
隐私经济学:研究述评与展望 被引量:7

A Review and Prospects of the Economics of Privacy
摘要 隐私是自然人的私人生活安宁和不愿为他人知晓的私密空间、私密活动、私密信息。隐私经济学广义上关注个人、组织和政府之间在公共领域和私人领域中的权利平衡,狭义上聚焦于个人信息的保护与分享之间的权衡。隐私经济学涉及的领域和主题比较广泛,目前的研究结论并不统一,因此系统地总结隐私经济学研究具有重要的理论和实践意义。本文基于供给—需求—均衡—经济后果的分析框架梳理了已有的研究,包括供给个人信息的决策、对个人信息的需求与利用、对个人信息的定价、隐私保护的社会经济后果、数据产权划分等。未来的研究拓展需要关注个人数据的产权研究、隐私经济学理论研究的经验检验、隐私相关决策的认知神经机制以及中国情境下的隐私研究等。本文的贡献在于定位了隐私经济学研究的核心问题,建构了以隐私供求双方策略和均衡为逻辑主线的隐私经济学研究框架,系统总结了隐私经济学的主要研究领域并展望了研究方向。 Privacy is the tranquility of the private life of a natural person,and the private space,private activities,and private information that he is unwilling to be known to others.In a broad scope,the economics of privacy concerns the balancing of public and private spheres between individual,organizations and government.In a narrow scope,the economics of privacy also concerns the individual or societal tradeoffs between personal information protection and sharing.There are many themes and areas of the economics of privacy but no consistent conclusion.Therefore,it is of important theoretical and practical significance to review the existing studies of the economics of privacy and their findings to motivate further researches.We provide a“supplement-demand-equilibrium-economic consequence”framework to review the classical and most recent studies on many important issues,such as the decisions about disclosure of personal information,usage and demand of personal information,pricing on personal information as well as the consequence of privacy protection or the arrangement of the right of privacy.The existing studies demonstrate that the personal information disclosure is not a totally rational decision-making procedure,and non-standard preference and beliefs such as ambiguity aversion,time inconsistence,framing effect,non-Bayesian belief updating all impact the personal information sharing and protection.It is not necessarily profitable for firms to use behavior-based price discrimination based on collecting and digging personal data because customers will switch to the opponent of the firm and the competition will be more aggressive.Therefore,the welfare of customers may even be higher facing targeting pricing.The targeting advertising may be more effective when the platform becomes unable to use customers’privacy,since privacy regulation may make the customers concern less about their privacy and the averse to privacy loss is lower.The power of incumbent firms may increase through the collection of personal data.Privacy protection leads to the income redistribution effect,and influences innovation significantly.To maintain economic growth and technology adaptation,it is necessary to find a proper property right institution of personal data to solute the tradeoff between economic efficiency and privacy.However,it is hard to design such a mechanism to facilitate the sharing and protection of the right of privacy,and the anti-discrimination,income equalization and social order effect of privacy protection is also needed to be considered.We then highlight some directions of future research,which may include the regulation on property right of personal data,more empirical researches,the neural underlying and nudge mechanism of personal information disclosure,and the economics of privacy in Chinese situation.Our contribution to previous studies is three-fold:We clarify the core questions that the economics of privacy tries to answer;we then provide a framework based on the strategic behavior and equilibrium of the privacy supplement and demand side agencies to systemically survey the economics of privacy;furthermore,we highlight some future topics of privacy economics studies.
作者 汪敏达 李建标 Wang Minda;Li Jianbiao(School of Economics and Management,Southeast University,Nanjing 211189,China;School of Economics,Shandong University,Jinan 250100,China;Institution of Brain-Like Economics,Shandong University,Jinan 250100,China;Binhai College,Nankai University,Tianjin 300270,China)
出处 《外国经济与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期3-17,共15页 Foreign Economics & Management
基金 教育部人文社科基金一般项目(21YJA630084) 国家社科基金重大项目(19ZDA097) 国家社科基金重点项目(20AZD044) 山东大学人文社会科学重大项目(21RWZD15) 中央高校基本科研业务费智库项目(2242020S30027)。
关键词 隐私经济学 个人信息 价格歧视 隐私保护 数据产权 economics of privacy personal information price discrimination privacy protection property right of data
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