

Directional Instrument and Multiplier:Research on the Psychological Boosting of Local Governance Modernization under the Background of Common Prosperity
摘要 中国人民在完成第一个百年目标后,即刻进入第二个百年目标的追寻过程中,并将浙江省作为共同富裕先行示范区,要求域内各市在地方治理现代化上做出更多探索。助推(Nudge)的理论与实践是行为经济学在社会治理领域的新探索,助推理念已被广泛应用于发达国家及国际组织的公共事务管理和公共政策制定之中,将宏观的社会问题具体化为中微观的个体行为已成为公共政策领域的未来趋势和研究热点。本文在共同富裕背景下,探索助推融入地方治理现代化的可行性,并整理助推的理论基础和研究内容,总结助推型政府建设的框架和工具箱,并展望未来发展方向。旨在推进地方政府在社会治理过程中,用助推对政策体系进行优化设计,制作更便民的公共政策工具,引导人们在教育发展、医疗保健、理财投资、环境保护等领域做出更优决策,发挥助推“定向仪”与“倍增器”作用。 After completing the first century goal,the Chinese people immediately entered the pursuit of the second century goal,and took Zhejiang Province as a demonstration area of common prosperity,requiring cities in the region to make more explorations in the modernization of local governance.The theory and practice of Nudge is a new exploration of behavioral economics in the field of social governance.The concept of Nudge has been widely used in public affairs management and public policy making in developed countries and international organizations.It has become the future trend and research focus in the field of public policy to concretize macro social problems into micro individual behavior.Under the background of common prosperity,this paper explores the feasibility of boosting the integration of local governance modernization,and collates the theoretical basis and research content of boosting,summarizes the framework and toolbox of boosting government construction,and looks forward to the future development direction.It aims to promote local governments to optimize the design of policy system in the process of social governance,make more convenient public policy tools,guide people to make better decisions in the fields of education development,health care,financial investment,environmental protection and so on,and play the role of directional instrument and multiplier.
作者 葛国宏 GE Guohong(Ningbo Municipal Party School,Ningbo 315032,China)
机构地区 宁波市委党校
出处 《浙江工贸职业技术学院学报》 2022年第2期85-91,共7页 Journal of Zhejiang Industry & Trade Vocational College
基金 2022年中共宁波市委党校基金资助项目“数字化视野下宁波‘大综合一体化’行政执法改革研究”。
关键词 共同富裕 地方治理现代化 助推 公共管理改革 决策 common prosperity modernization of local governance boosting public management reform decision making
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