
不同年龄阶段人的硅胶仿生指纹印泥痕迹特征 被引量:4

Characteristics of Silicone Bionic Film-fi ngerprints from Age-specifi ed Different People Tested with Their Inkpad-revealed Deliveries
摘要 研究不同年龄阶段人的硅胶仿生指纹膜印泥痕迹特征与真实指纹印泥痕迹特征的差异,为识别硅胶仿生指纹印泥痕迹提供依据。分别制作青年、中年、老年三个年龄段各100名人员的硅胶仿生指纹膜,然后用硅胶仿生指纹膜和同一手指在相同情况下蘸取印泥,分别以轻、中、重3种力度在A4纸上垂直按压形成印泥指印,比较硅胶仿生指纹膜印泥痕迹与真实指纹印泥痕迹的特征差异。结果表明不同年龄阶段人的硅胶仿生指纹膜印泥痕迹在空白特征、断裂特征等方面差异明显,青年组硅胶指纹膜相对质量高,得到的指印效果也好,随着年龄增长,纹线断裂等特征呈增多趋势,至老年阶段纹线断裂痕迹明显,印痕模糊不清,瑕疵也较多,与真实指纹痕迹的区别最明显。两者之间的特征差异可以帮助识别硅胶仿生指纹印泥痕迹。 Silicone bionic film-fingerprint, also called “clone fingerprint”, is a film made of silicone that coalesces with a gel on which one person’s fingerprint had been previously impressed and solidified. At present, there are studies about mark characteristics of silicone bionic film-fingerprint on different objects home and abroad, yet rarity for people of different ages. In addition, the manufacturing technology of silicone bionic film-fingerprint is of constant improvement, resulting in the relevant mark characteristics of fingerprint being changed accordingly. Hence, the studies were here carried out about the mark characteristics into their difference between the inkpad-revealed silicone bionic film-fingerprint and its real fingerprint counterpart from people of different ages. The silicone bionic film-fingerprints were made for 100 people of each from three age groups: young(18-45 years old), middle-aged(46-69 years old) and old(>69 years old), thus having the silicone bionic film-fingerprint and its same real finger impressed into inkpad under the identical conditions and then pressed vertically onto A4 paper with light, medium and heavy forces. Therefore, such the inkpad-revealed fingerprints were formed and photographed, leaving themselves into the comparison of characteristic difference against their real fingerprint counterparts.The results showed that the marks of silicone bionic film-fingerprint from age-different people are signifi cantly discrepant in the “blank” and “fractured” features. Apparently, the young people seems to deliver the relatively high quality of silicone bionic film-fingerprint and good effect of inkpad-revealed fingerprinting. The age increasing brings forth the features, e.g.,the broken ridges, tending to augment until the old-aged people are revealing more obvious broken ridge marks, blurred fingermarks and flaws with their inkpad-revealed silicone bionic film-fingerprintsrints demonstrating most distinct difference of feature against the real fingerprintsrint counterparts among the three groups. The inkpad-revealed silicone bionic film-fingerprintsrints and related marks can get to identify with their characteristic differences from those of the real ones.
作者 蒋焕 陈立宏 李俐明 张嘉兴 刘发福 熊向阳 JIANG Huan;CHEN Lihong;LI Liming;ZHANG Jiaxing;LIU Fafu;XIONG Xiangyang(Jilin Police College,Changchun 130117,China;Criminal Investigation Police University of China,Shenyang 110854,China;Chaoyang Branch of Changchun Public Security Bureau,Changchun 130012,China;Jingkai Branch of Changchun Public Security Bureau,Changchun 130022,China;Kashi Public Security Bureau,Kashi 844000,Xinjiang,China;Liaoyuan Public Security Bureau,Liaoyuan 136200,Jilin,China)
出处 《刑事技术》 2022年第4期400-404,共5页 Forensic Science and Technology
关键词 指纹 硅胶仿生指纹膜 印泥痕迹 特征差异 年龄 fi ngerprint silicone bionic fi lm-fi ngerprint inkpad-revealed mark characteristic difference age
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