

The Intertextuality and Illustration of Phraseology-graphic in Yellow Emperor's Xia Ma Jing
摘要 《黄帝蝦蟇经》约成书于汉代,是传世医籍中最早的插图丰富、系统的语图互文文本。该书图像共41幅,大体可分为日中三足乌图、蝦蟇兔月图和人气、年神、日神所处图三类。在语图位置上,多以图文并置状态呈现,有上图下语、左图右语、先图后语等互文形式;在语图内蕴上,存在因文生图、图中带文、图外生文、图文反哺等互文方式。《黄帝蝦蟇经》语图互文折射出天人相应的哲理意蕴和天地人相通的开放身体观,是中国医学深受传统文化浸润直观、形象的呈现。《黄帝蝦蟇经》充分反映了我国医籍早在汉代语图互文意识已经非常突出,对研究古代医籍语图现象的历史和特质颇有价值和意义。 Yellow Emperor's Xia Ma Jing was approximately written in Han dynasty,which was the earliest intertextuality text with abundant illustrations and systematic phraseology graphic.There was 41 illustrations in Yellow Emperor's Xia Ma Jing,which can be broadly divided into three categories:the graphic with a three legged crow in the sun,the graphic with a toad and rabbit in the moon,and the graphic with the location of human's qi,year god and sun god.In terms of the location of phraseology graphic,it turned out to be the combination of phraseology and graphics,including the intertextuality phenomena,such as graphics on the above and phraseology below,graphics on the left and phraseology on the right,along with graphics followed by phraseology.As for the inter embracing of phraseology and graphic,there was intertextuality phenomena,like graphics based on phraseology,phraseology embodied with texts,phraseology beyond graphics,along with inter correspondent phraseology and graphics.The intertextuality illustration of phraseology graphics in Yellow Emperor's Xia Ma Jing reflected the philosophic meaning of correspondence between nature and human as well as open body view of the communication and transmission among heaven,earth and human,which straightly and vividly manifested the phenomenon of traditional Chinese medicine with profound traditional cultural infiltration.Yellow Emperor's Xia Ma Jing fully reflected that the awareness of applying phraseology graphic in medical classics in Han dynasty was quite vivid,which was valuable and significant for the study of the history and characteristics of phraseology graphic phenomena in ancient medical classics.
作者 王明强 WANG Ming qiang(Institute of Chinese Medicine Civilization Studies,Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine,Nanjing,210023,China)
出处 《南京中医药大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第4期226-233,共8页 Journal of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine(Social Science Edition)
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究项目(19YJAZH091)。
关键词 黄帝蝦蟇经 插图 语图互文 Yellow Emperor's Xia Ma Jing graphic intertextuality of phraseology graphic
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