
晚清冒险小说(1898—1911)篇目整理、发现及刊行情况 被引量:1

The Collating Findings and Publication of Adventure Fictions in the Late Qing Dynasty(1898-1911)
摘要 目前国内外学界对晚清冒险小说译本的研究比较深入,但疏于篇目整理。日本汉学家樽本照雄《新编清末民初小说目录》所收冒险小说33篇、国内学者陈大康《关于晚清小说的“标示”》《中国近代小说编年史》分别收入28篇、59篇。仔细对勘“樽版”和“陈版”中的现有篇目,删除其中重叠、无效数据并加以整理发现:晚清冒险小说应为59篇,其中译作50篇、创作9篇;原著国别主要为英国;译作及创作刊行主要集中于1905—1909年间;刊行机构主要在上海。从晚清期刊广告、译者或译作的序跋或晚清时人的评论可知,出于救亡启蒙、强国保种的需要,晚清对冒险小说的接受与评价旨在以冒险精神形塑“少年”,改造国民奴性,激发国民的勇武气概,推动社会进步。 For the moment, the translation of adventure fictions in the late Qing Dynasty has been studied more intensely home and abroad, but their collating is still neglected. The number of adventure fictions proposed by Tarumoto Teruo in his New Catalogue of Novels in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China and by Chen Dakang in his “Genre Mark” of Late Qing Novels and Chronicle of Modern Chinese Novels is respectively 33, 28 and 59. Comparing the above-mentioned documents and then deleting their overlapping and invalid data, it is found that there are 59 adventure fictions in the late Qing Dynasty, of which 9 are created and 50 translated mainly from Britain. These fictions were mainly published from 1905 to 1909 by the publishing organizations in Shanghai. From periodical advertisements in the late Qing Dynasty, prefaces or postscripts of translators or translated works, or comments by people then, the translation of adventure fictions in the late Qing Dynasty addresses the needs for a strong nation as well as the salvation and enlightenment of the Chinese nation. The reception of and comments on adventure fictions in the late Qing Dynasty by people then aim to shape “youth”, remold the Chinese national servility, regenerate a valorous Chinese nation and propel social progress with the spirit of adventure.
作者 郑晓岚 ZHENG Xiaolan
出处 《西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第4期113-125,共13页 Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“哈葛德小说在晚清:话语意义和西方认知”(2013BWW010) 福州大学科研启动基金项目“林译哈葛德冒险小说中少年形象的广义修辞学研究”(GXRC202115)。
关键词 晚清冒险小说 外国文学译介 文类标示 樽本照雄 陈大康 冒险精神 “少年” 国民性改造 adventure fiction in the late Qing Dynasty translation of foreign literature genre mark Tarumoto Teruo Chen Dakang spirit of adventure “youth” remolding of national servility
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