

The Physician of the Shao Xing School in the Late Qing Dynasty--Zhao Qingchu
摘要 清末会稽儒医赵晴初,医承绍派伤寒名家与士材学派尤氏之长,弃儒从医后名声大噪。邵友濂、曾国荃、任道镕、许应骙、任阜长等名士均求治于赵氏,可窥见其医病交互网络。赵氏广结同好,访道交游,与汪曰桢、马培之、何廉臣等研讨医理,与张畹香、凌嘉六、周伯度等医家皆有交集,可谓清末长三角地区医家交游、医病交流之典型。赵氏钻研医理,传承伤寒经典,但不盲从权威,能兼收并蓄,汇通西学;并且乐于传教后学,教授门人赵舒安、杨质安、鲁东川、贺吉人等。赵晴初晚年记录行医所感,撰成《存存斋医话稿》,以作传习,经后世多次刊行,在绍兴当地乃至江南一带影响深远。 Zhao Qingchu,a Confucian physician from the Kuaiji area at the end of the Qing Dynasty,learned from famous physicians of the Shao Xing School on exogenous febirle disease(Shang Han)and the You's of the Shi Cai School,drawing from the knowledge of the both medical schools.He quickly became popular for being a physician after giving up his research of Confucianism.He had a wide physician-patient network because of his art of healing as many politicians and celebrities such like Shao Youlian,Zeng Guoquan,Ren Daorong,Xu Yingkui and Ren Fuchang,were his patients.He was taken as a typical example of being good at the medical communication among doctors and doctors-patients in the Yangtze River area in the late Qing Dynasty.For instance,he once had a variety of medical communication with famous physicians,such as Wang Yuezhen,Ma Peizhi,He Lianchen,Zhang Wanxiang,Ling Jialiu and Zhou Bodu.He investigated medical theories in terms of exogenous febirle disease(Shang Han)and integrated his thinking with various medical schools,even attempting to involving western medicine.He was also skilled in teaching his medical thinking to his disciples,such as Zhao Shuan,Yang Zhian,Lu Dongchuan and He Jiren.Zhao Qingchu compiled his medical understanding based on his practice and experiences throughout his life and published this knowledge in Cun Cun Zhai Yi Hua Gao.He had it published many times,leading to a profound influence in Shaoxing and the Jiangnan area at that time.
作者 商双 李赣 杨奕望 Shang Shuang;Li Gan;Yang Yiwang(Institute of Science,Technology and Humanities,Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shanghai 201203,China;Shanghai Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shanghai 201203,China)
出处 《中华医史杂志》 2022年第3期147-151,共5页 Chinese Journal of Medical History
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(20BZS121)。
关键词 《存存斋医话稿》 赵晴初 清代医家 长三角地区 交游 医学交流 Cuncunzhai Yihua Gao ZHAO Qingchu Physicians in Qing Dynasty the Yangtze River Delta Academic visits Medical communication
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