

Professor Au-Chin Tang:Great Educator,Outstanding Scientist and Distinguished Leader in Education and Science
摘要 唐敖庆的一生同时集教书育人、科学研究和行政领导于一身,创造了3个方面都达到很高水平的“三肩挑”奇迹。在他光辉的一生中,始终以党、国家和人民的需要为己任,以严谨、求实、创新的科学态度,发扬甘当人梯和铺路石的精神,顽强地拼搏在我国科教战线上。他殚精竭虑,毕生无私奉献,为吉林大学创建了化学学科,并使其展翅腾飞进入国内前列,世界闻名;为新中国创建了理论化学学科,培养出一大批被国际同行誉为“中国学派”的从事理论化学研究的高级人才队伍,其中有12人当选为中国科学院或工程院院士;做出多项高水平的科研成果,荣获国家自然科学奖一等奖2次及二等奖2次,使我国的理论化学在国际前沿占有一席之地。他出任吉林大学校长,率先提出高等学校要办成“两个中心”,即教育中心和科研中心的办学思想并率先垂范、亲自实践,使吉林大学的办学水平迅速跻身于世界一流大学的行列。唐敖庆是我国学识渊博、业绩卓著、德厚流光、闻名遐迩的教育家、科学家和科教事业的组织领导者。我们后辈应牢记他的谆谆教导,继承他的遗志,为我国的科教事业赶超世界先进水平努力奋斗,为中华民族的伟大复兴贡献力量。 Professor Au-Chin Tang was a great educator,an outstanding scientist and a distinguished leader in the field of education and science in China.He created a miracle of taking the responsibility for education,research and administration which has reached a very high level in these three aspects.In his brilliant life,he always took the needs of the Party,the country and the people as his own responsibility,carried forward the spirit of being willing to be a ladder and a paving stone with a rigorous,realistic and innovative scientific attitude,and fought tenaciously on the scientific and educational front of our country.He devoted all his life to establishing the discipline of chemistry for Jilin University,and made it soar into the forefront of China and become world-famous.He established the discipline of theoretical chemistry for New China,and trained a large number of senior talents engaged in theoretical chemistry research and teaching,who were praised as“Chinese School”by international peers,12 of whom were elected academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences or the Chinese Academy of Engineering.He has made many high-level scientific research achievements and won respectively the first prize twice and second prize twice of the National Natural Science Award,which made China’s theoretical chemistry at the forefront of the world.As the president of Jilin University,he took the lead in putting forward the idea of“two centers”for colleges and universities,namely,education center and scientific research center.Through the practice of his concept,Jilin University has quickly become one of the world’s first-class universities.Professor Au-Chin Tang is a well-known educator,scientist and leader of science and education in China with profound knowledge,outstanding achievements and great virtue.The younger generation should bear in mind his earnest teachings,inherit his legacy,catch up with and surpass the world’s advanced level in science and education,and contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
作者 刘永新 宁德宽 LIU Yong-Xin;NING De-Kuan(College of Chemistry,Jilin University,Changchun 130012,China)
出处 《化学教育(中英文)》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第14期1-7,共7页 Chinese Journal of Chemical Education
关键词 教书育人 科学研究 行政管理 无私奉献 化学学科 education and cultivation scientific research administration selfless dedication chemistry discipline
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