

Disintegration and Madness:The Community in The Golden Notebook
摘要 崩溃与疯癫是多丽丝·莱辛在《金色笔记》中探讨的重要主题,承载着莱辛对共同体及其与个体关系的思考。通过对小说中主要人物的政治共同体实践和基于情感的深度共同体进行分析,本文认为政治共同体内的话语沟通失灵表征着政治共同体的瓦解,而个人情感的缺失和社会情感结构的坍塌则表征着深度共同体的解体。共同体的崩溃与个体的疯癫从反面揭示了共同体与个体的共生关系。莱辛倡导的人类共同体是个体与共同体相生相成的、生机勃勃的有机共同体。 Disintegration and madness are the central issues explored in The Golden Notebook as they bear Doris Lessing’s reflection on the community as well as on the relationship between the community and the individual.This paper analyzes the ineffective communication in the political community,and the absence of personal affection as well as the collapse of the social structure of feeling in the deep community,and it holds that the former represents the disintegration of the political community while the latter the breakdown of the deep community.The failure of the community and the prevalent madness of the individuals reveal the symbiotic relationship between the community and the individual,implying Lessing’s advocacy of an organic community where the individual and the collective interact dynamically.
作者 姜仁凤 JIANG Renfeng(School of Foreign Languages,Shanghai Lixin University of Finance and Accounting,Shanghai 201620,China)
出处 《浙江外国语学院学报》 2022年第2期92-97,共6页 Journal of Zhejiang International Studies University
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“英国文学的命运共同体表征与审美研究”(19ZDA293)。
关键词 崩溃 疯癫 共同体 《金色笔记》 disintegration madness community The Golden Notebook
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