Current image steganography methods are working by assigning an image as a cover file then embed the payload within it by modifying its pixels,creating the stego image.However,the left traces that are caused by these modifications will make steganalysis algorithms easily detect the hidden payload.A coverless data hiding concept is proposed to solve this issue.Coverless does not mean that cover is not required,or the payload can be transmitted without a cover.Instead,the payload is embedded by cover generation or a secret message mapping between the cover file and the payload.In this paper,a new coverless image steganography method has been proposed based on the jigsaw puzzle image generation driven by a secret message.Firstly,the image is divided into equal rows then further divided into equal columns,creating blocks(i.e.,sub-images).Then,according to secret message bits and a proposed mapping function,each block will have tabs/blanks to get the shape of a puzzle piece creating a fully shaped jigsaw puzzle stego-image.After that,the generated jigsaw puzzle image is sent to the receiver.Experimental results and analysis show a good performance in the hiding capacity,security,and robustness compared with existing coverless image steganography methods.
funded by“Taif University Researchers Supporting Project No.(TURSP-2020/160),Taif University,Taif,Saudi Arabia.”。