

Application progress of ultrasound-guided nerve block in obstetrics and gynecology open surgeries
摘要 女性对疼痛敏感程度较高,加之经腹手术创伤较大,多数患者在一些妇产科手术术后会经历中度至重度的疼痛,因此对镇痛的要求较高。神经阻滞可阻断源自损伤处的伤害性刺激,被广泛应用于各类手术的辅助麻醉及围术期的镇痛,以减轻患者术后疼痛,减少阿片类药物用量。近年来,随着超声技术的不断发展,神经阻滞的可靠性及安全性得到了极大提升。因此,本文综述了妇产科手术中较为常见的超声引导下神经阻滞方式,并简述它们的阻滞方法、应用进展等,提供相关参考和依据。 Women are more sensitive to pain,and the trauma of open surgery is big.Most patients will experience moderate to severe pain after some obstetrics and gynecology surgeries,so the demand for analgesia is high.Nerve block can block the injurious stimulus from the injury site,and is widely used in auxiliary anesthesia and perioperative analgesia in various operations to relieve postoperative pain and reduce the amount of opioids.In recent years,with the continuous development of ultrasound technology,the reliability and safety of nerve block have been greatly improved.Therefore,this paper reviews the common ultrasound-guided nerve block methods in obstetrics and gynecology surgeries,and briefly describes their blocking methods and application progress,so as to provide relevant references and basis.
作者 王鹏飞 赵玺 张辰喜 潘欣 张勇 Wang Pengfei;Zhao Xi;Zhang Chenxi;Pan Xin;Zhang Yong(Department of Anesthesiology,Binzhou Medical University Hospital,Binzhou 256600,China)
出处 《国际医药卫生导报》 2022年第15期2215-2219,共5页 International Medicine and Health Guidance News
关键词 妇产科 经腹手术 超声引导 神经阻滞 镇痛 Obstetrics and Gynecology Open surgery Ultrasonic guidance Nerve block Analgesia
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