
链式整合与过程重构:国家一流专业课程思政整体性建构 被引量:1

Chain Integration and Process Reengineering: The Construction of Ideological and Political Integrity of National First-class Professional Curricula
摘要 课程思政是全国高校思想政治工作会议部署的紧迫任务,也是培养社会主义事业合格建设者和可靠接班人的重要保障。课程思政以课堂教学为主阵地,将思想政治教育融入各类专业课程教学之中,是对高校原有课程教学内容的补充、课程体系的完善和课程质量的提升。“课程思政”不仅体现出大学课程对个体精神成长意义的追问,也表达出课程要对大学生的思想和行为进行价值引导,以遵循国家主流价值观要求的精神旨归。课程思政的研究要充分融合学科体系、教学体系、教材体系、管理体系的整体结构,深化课程思政的视野和格局,提升专业的育人品质。国家一流专业立足国际高端水平,引领国内学科发展,本身具有较高的站位和布局,要紧紧围绕国家和区域发展需求,结合学校发展定位和人才培养目标,构建全面覆盖、类型丰富、层次递进、相互支撑的课程思政体系。围绕公共管理类国家级一流专业的培育和建设要求,根据课程思政的基本特征、原则和模式,依据教育建构论的理论观点,将课程思政体系有机嵌入公共管理类专业教育的教学研究和实践就业的全过程和全环节,打造公共管理类专业特色的课程思政“四大模块”和“三大主线”。工具层面,从课程思政的教学模块的关联性和教学环节的程序性两方面,破解了长期存在的碎片化、断裂化和分割化的教学模式和过程,建设公共管理类专业课程思政的“整合型”和“重构型”共生体。为凸显“课堂是课程思政的主阵地”的思路,重点阐释了实践操作层面的课程思政“剧场式”课堂模式的内涵特征、环节流程及实现路径;价值层面,创新性的提出“人本、人文和人人”的“三人”观点的价值维度,充实了课程思政的内核,为公共管理类课程教学形式创新和人才培养的目标重塑提供了方向。为扎实推进国家一流课程的课程思政建设,真正凸显一流课程的高端思政品质,落实人才培养的知识、能力与价值的三位一体理念提供了有益借鉴和路径参考。 Curricula ideological and political work is the urgent task of national College Ideological and Political Work Conference deployment, and an important guarantee to train qualified builders and reliable successors of socialist cause as well. Most of the knowledge of students comes from the curricula and the ability to analyze and solve problems and the moral quality also benefit from the curricula teaching. The ideological and political curricula are mainly based on classroom teaching, and the ideological and political education is integrated into all kinds of professional curricula teaching, which is a supplement to the original curricula teaching content, the improvement of the curricula system and the improvement of the quality of the curricula. "Curricula ideology and politics" not only reflects the questioning of college curricula on the significance of individual spiritual growth, but also expresses that the curricula should guide the thought and behavior of college students to follow the spiritual purport of national mainstream values. The study on curricula ideology and politics should fully integrate the overall structure of discipline system, teaching system,teaching material system and management system. Based on the international high-end level, the national first-level major leads the development of domestic disciplines, and has a high position and layout. It should closely focus on the national and regional development needs, combine the school development orientation and talent training goals, and build the curricula ideological and political system with comprehensive coverage,rich types, progressive levels and mutual support. Around the national top professional cultivation and construction requirements for public management, according to the basic characteristics of curricula education,principles and patterns and according to the theory of education construction, the curricula ideological and political system should be organically embedded in the whole process and the whole link of teaching research and practice and employment of public management professional education, and the "four modules" and "three main lines" of ideological and political curricula of public management professional characteristics will be created. At the tool level, the long-standing teaching mode and process of fragmentation and segmentation are solved from the relevance of the teaching modules and the procedural teaching procedures to build the "integrated" and "reconstructed" symbiosis of the ideological and political curricula of public management professional curricula. In order to highlight the idea that "classroom is the main field of curricula ideology and politics", the connotation characteristics, link flow and realization path of the "theater" classroom mode of curricula ideology and politics at the level of practice and operation are mainly explained. At the value level,the innovative value dimension of the "three-human" view, i.e. "human-oriented, humanistic and human", is put forward, which has enriched the core of ideological and political curricula, and provided the direction for the innovation of teaching forms of public management curricula and the reshaping of the goal of talent training. This study provides useful reference and path reference for the solid promotion of curricula ideological and political construction of national first-class curricula, the real highlight of high-end ideological and political quality of first-class curricula, and the implementation of the trinity concept of knowledge, ability and value of personnel training.
作者 李志强 张娜 祝成林 LI Zhiqiang;ZHANG Na;ZHU Chenglin(School of Law and Politics,Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing 210044,China;School of Computer Science and Technology,Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing 210044,China;Institute of Higher Education,Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing 210044,China)
出处 《四川轻化工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第3期68-84,共17页 Journal of Sichuan University of Science & Engineering:Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金教育学一般课题(BJA210100) 南京信息工程大学课程思政校级重点项目(2020KCSZJGZX003) 江苏高校“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师资助项目。
关键词 课程思政 一流专业 链式整合 过程重构 “剧场式”课堂 curricula ideology and politics first-class major chain integration process reconstruction “theater”classroom
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