
肉牛养殖户兽药使用行为的实证分析——基于中原肉牛主产区调研数据 被引量:6

Empirical analysis on the using behavior of veterinary drugs in beef cattle farmers——Based on the research data of the main beef cattle producing areas in the central plains
摘要 兽药已成为肉牛养殖的必需投入品,养殖户是否规范合理使用兽药直接影响畜禽肉类食品质量安全,同时也影响肉牛养殖的经济效益。本研究基于2019—2020年国家肉牛(牦牛)产业技术体系中原肉牛主产区(河南、山东、安徽、河北省)6个综合试验站的调研数据,对养殖户的兽药使用行为特征进行分析,并运用二元Logit模型分别从养殖户的个体特征、养殖特征、认知特征和外部环境特征四个方面对肉牛养殖户兽药使用行为的影响因素进行探讨。结果表明:能够规范使用兽药的养殖户仅占总样本的52.73%,样本养殖户规范使用兽药水平有待提高。在养殖户个体特征中,性别和年龄均未通过显著性检验,文化水平在1%统计性水平上对养殖户规范兽药使用行为具有显著正向影响;在养殖户养殖特征中,养殖年限和肉牛养殖收入占总收入比例均未通过显著性检验,养殖规模在1%统计性水平上对养殖户规范兽药使用行为具有显著正向影响;在养殖户认知特征中,兽药残留危害认知和休药期认知均在1%统计性水平上对养殖户规范兽药使用行为具有显著正向影响,违禁药种类及安全使用认知在5%统计性水平上对养殖户规范兽药使用行为具有显著正向影响;在外部环境特征中,政府培训在10%统计性水平上对养殖户规范兽药使用行为具有显著正向影响,政府补贴和合作组织提供帮助均在1%统计性水平上对养殖户规范兽药使用行为具有显著正向影响。鉴于此,笔者提出以下政策建议:鼓励发展规模化、标准化的畜禽养殖场,发挥龙头养殖企业带头作用;强化规范兽药使用教育与宣传,加强养殖专业人才培养;加大防疫补贴力度,加强兽药使用行为监管。 Veterinary medicine has become the necessary input for beef cattle breeding. Whether farmers use veterinary medicine in a standardized and reasonable manner directly affects the food quality and safety of livestock and poultry products, as well as the economic benefits of beef cattle breeding. Based on the survey data of six comprehensive experimental stations in the main beef producing areas of the central plains(Henan, Shandong, Anhui and Hebei Provinces) of the national beef(yak) industrial technology system from 2019 to 2020, this study analyzed the characteristics of veterinary medicine using behavior of farmers. The influence factors of beef cattle farmers’ veterinary drug use behavior were discussed from four aspects of farmers’ personal characteristics, breeding characteristics, cognitive characteristics and external environment characteristics by using binary Logit model. The results showed that only 52.73% of the total samples were able to regulate the use of veterinary medicine, and the standardized use of veterinary medicine by sample farmers needs to be improved. In the individual characteristics of farmers, gender and age did not pass the significance test, and the education level had a significant positive impact on the standardized use of veterinary medicine at the 1% statistical level. In the breeding characteristics of farmers, the breeding years and the proportion of beef cattle breeding income in the total income failed to pass the significance test, and the breeding scale had a significant positive impact on the standardized use of veterinary medicine at the statistical level of 1%. Among the cognitive characteristics of farmers, the cognition of veterinary medicine residue harm and the cognition of drug withdrawal period had a significant positive impact on the standardized use of veterinary medicine of farmers at the statistical level of 1%, and the cognition of prohibited drug types and safe use had a significant positive impact on the standardized use of veterinary medicine of farmers at the statistical level of 5%. In the external environmental characteristics, government training had a significant positive impact on the standardized use of veterinary medicine of farmers at the statistical level of 10%, while the help from government subsidies and cooperative organizations had a significant positive impact on the standardized use of veterinary medicine of farmers at the statistical level of 1%. In view of this, the author put forward the following policy suggestions: encourage the development of large-scale and standardized livestock and poultry farms and give play to the leading role of leading breeding enterprises;strengthen the education and publicity of standardizing the use of veterinary medicine, and strengthen the training of breeding professionals;increase epidemic prevention subsidies and strengthen the supervision of veterinary medicine use.
作者 钟晓丽 梁远 张越杰 ZHQNG Xiaoli;LIANG Yuan;ZHANG Yuejie(College of Economics and Management,Jilin Agricultural University,Changchun 130118,China)
出处 《黑龙江畜牧兽医》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第14期1-7,共7页 Heilongjiang Animal Science And veterinary Medicine
基金 国家肉牛牦牛产业技术体系产业经济研究专项(CARS-37) 吉林省教育厅“十三五”社会科学项目(JJKH20180715SK)。
关键词 肉牛养殖户 兽药使用 规范行为 LOGIT模型 肉牛主产区 beef cattle farmers veterinary medicine use regulate behavior Logit model main beef producing area
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