
科技园区“使能型”创新生态系统构建的案例研究 被引量:5

A case study of the construction of "enabling" innovation ecology in science and technology parks
摘要 创新生态系统是战略管理领域的一项重要议题。本文基于组织间关系的视角,提出了科技园区使能型创新生态系统的基本理论。以漕河泾新兴技术开发区的管理实践作为研究对象,采用探索性嵌入式单案例研究法,阐释科技园区使能型创新生态系统的构成要素、运行规律以及演化过程。依照扎根理论研究方法,分别基于宏观产业层面、中观园区层面以及微观企业层面对案例材料进行多维度分析,指出科技园区内组织间关系发生重要变革,传统的契约关系正逐渐向使能、共生关系演进,并构建出了嵌入式合作网络与企业自身创新能力相互依存、互利共生、协同演化的使能型创新生态系统模型,为科技园区在非线性、复杂的协同创新过程中进行有效使能提供指引。文章最后探讨了研究结果的理论价值、实践蕴涵与未来研究方向。 Innovation ecosystem and its relation to sustainable economic development are topics of great interest to strategy researchers,think-tanks and government agencies.Hence,innovation ecosystem continues to be one of the most widely studied fields in strategic management research.Likewise,since it was formally put forward by academia,the definition of innovation ecosystem has aroused the interest and concern of the world community.Organization and strategy scholars have recognized that the construction of innovation ecosystem is an indicator of economic growth and enterprise development that has important implications for corporate and regional governance.Based on the perspective of inter-organizational relationship and the commercial ecology,this paper puts forward the fundamental theory of enabling innovation ecosystem,aiming to explain the elements and the triggering mechanism of enabling innovation ecosystem in order to provide theoretical guidance for science and technology parks.The inter-organizational relationship in science and technology parks has changed from property leasing to mutualistic symbiosis.Meanwhile,the relationship between companies and employees has shifted from employment to cooperation.The organizational structure of the enterprise has changed from a hierarchical structure to a self-driving and self-optimizing system.With the present research,this paper contributes to the literature on innovation ecosystem in several ways.First,the study explores the link between enabling and innovation ecosystem based on classical innovation theory,proposing a theoretical framework of enabling innovation ecosystem.Second,we extend research on cross-enterprise differences in innovation strategy and address a vital gap by focusing on how interorganizational structures shape ambidextrous innovation of enterprises.An improved understanding of the relationship among enabling innovation ecosystem,S&T Parks and organizational features does not just contribute to a superior financial performance of profit-oriented organizations in a market system but also enables management to realize the ‘triple win’ situation.Finally,we further extend our research by using a qualitative approach to explore how internal and external features of enterprises combine to shape innovation differences across enterprises.Generalizing theories from qualitative data is a main objective of this study,as a systematic methodology in the social sciences involving the construction of theory through methodic gathering and analysis of data,the value of the grounded theory lines in its ability not only to generate the theory but also to ground that theory in data.Grounded theory equipped with a set of perfect and rigorous analytical criteria to ensure the accuracy and verifiability of the findings.Based on the paradigm of grounded theory,this paper contributes to our understanding of following topics:(a) in macroscopic view,what kinds of organizational structure should formed by organizational entities in science and technology parks,including management organization,enterprises,universities,scientific research institutions,etc.;(b) what relationship should be established between the science and technology parks and the enterprise,what relationship should be established between enterprises and employees,and what relationship should be established between the enterprise and the enterprise in science and technology parks;(c) how to understand the paradoxes in the process of collaborative innovation and how to deal with them properly.As a part of the national innovation system,Science and Technology Parks were regarded as an important engine of regional economic development,carrying a lot of innovative elements,such as technology,talents,funds and so on.According to the assumption of enabling innovation ecosystem,the foundation of the organization design in the science and technology parks switch from organizational entities to individuals in organizations.Taking the management practice of Caohejing Hi-Tech Development Zone as a research case,this paper adopts the exploratory embedded case study method to explain the elements,operation rules and evolution process of enabling innovation ecosystem in science and technology parks.In addition,it was found that the form of enabling cooperative innovation ecology in Caohejing High-Tech Development Zone mainly depends on the improvement of the enabling platform.Management philosophy has undergone a new?revolution:the new paradigm of park development based on system view provides strategic guidance for the development of Caohejing Hi-tech Zone.Caohejing has established more extensive contact with the supply chain partners,through the smooth implementation of cooperation plan,the products and services of the partners would be embedded in their own ecology.An online service platform was created for enterprise customization,mainly including property maintenance,parking management,visitor management,business information and other scenarios to achieve closed-loop management.According to the actual needs of enterprises,Caohejing high-tech zone is equipped with fully open office space with complete facilities,which can be used for office and reduces the cost for start-ups.For technology start-ups,the financing paradox is the primary obstacle to their rapid development,traditional financial institutions are unable to provide effective support for such enterprises for the sake of capital security.In order to solve the problems of expensive capital cost for enterprises in the initial stage,Caohejing has set up a new financial model,and implemented credit loans for small and medium-sized science and technology enterprises.Based on the concept of building comprehensive enabling platform,Caohejing public technology platform provides technical research and development,the optimization of process validation,product testing,equipment sharing,information consultation and training of education for small and medium enterprises.The study also explores the underlying mechanism of enabling innovation ecology by case analyzing in multi-dimension based on macro-industry level,meso-park level and micro-enterprise level respectively.Depending on differences of concept,the development process of Caohejing high-tech zone could be divided into four stages,the exploration cultivation period(1984-1991),the rapid growth period(1992-2002),the optimization period(2003-2008),the innovation period(2009-present).Through case analysis,the results show that an efficient collaborative innovation ecosystem could be achieved by a) standardized operation and standardized construction of enabling platform;b) attaching importance to empowerment of employees to build a symbiotic organizational structure;c) building smart park system using information technology and implementing service enabling;d) exploring the standardized operation of public technology enabling platform and implementing technology enabling platform;e) exporting brand and management mode actively and expanding the extension of innovative ecology geographically.
作者 李国强 胡文安 孙遇春 Li Guoqiang;Hu Wenan;Sun Yuchun(Institutes of Science and Development,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,China;Shandong Institute of Talent Development Strategy,Shandong University,Jinan 250100,Shandong,China;School of Economics and Management,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China)
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第7期53-60,共8页 Science Research Management
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目(72002154) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(20YJC630042)。
关键词 科技园区 使能 创新生态 联盟网络 扎根理论 sci-tech park enabling innovation ecology alliance network grounded theory
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