
甲鱼温室养殖中水质要求与调控技术 被引量:2

Water Quality Requirements and Control Technology in Turtle Greenhouse Culture
摘要 随着甲鱼养殖向集约化和规模化的方向发展,国家加强环保力度,对甲鱼养殖尾水的排放提出了更高的要求,人为对温室养殖的水体进行干预和调控显得尤为重要。文章从这2个方面进行阐述,得出结论:养殖过程中对水体进行干预和调控维持水质量,减少尾水排放;尾水的后期处理循环利用,是目前温室养殖甲鱼必须解决的关键问题。 With the intensive and large-scale development of turtle culture,the state strengthens environmental protection and puts forward higher requirements for the discharge of turtle culture tail water.It is particularly important to intervene and regulate the water body of greenhouse culture artificially.The paper expounds from these two aspects,and the results show that:in the process of aquaculture,the water body should be intervened and regulated to maintain water quality and reduce tail water discharge.The posttreatment and recycling of tail water is a key problem that must be solved for turtle breeding in greenhouse at present.
作者 龚咏 Gong Yong(Huoqiu Aquatic Technology Promotion Station,Huoqiu 237400,Anhui,China)
出处 《农业技术与装备》 2022年第6期134-135,共2页 Agricultural Technology & Equipment
关键词 温室 甲鱼养殖 水质调控 尾水处理 greenhouse turtle breeding water quality control tail water treatment
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