
典型金属民机机身结构坠撞特性试验 被引量:7

Experimental study on crash characteristics of typical metal civil aircraft fuselage structure
摘要 为验证典型金属飞机机身结构的适坠性,开展了机身等直段结构在5.91 m/s下的垂直坠撞试验,得到了地面撞击载荷、机身结构变形及机身结构典型位置和假人的动态响应数据,分析了坠撞过程中机身结构的变形失效机理、载荷传递规律及能量吸收特性,提出了提高机身结构适坠性的设计方法。试验研究表明,在坠撞冲击载荷作用下,客舱地板横梁以下结构出现较为严重的变形,机身结构呈现非对称的破坏模式。在坠撞过程中,由于机身框和横梁变形吸收了大部分冲击能量,因此,相较于立柱处加速度峰值,传递至乘员处加速度峰值减小了90%左右。由综合适坠性评估指数可知,机身结构在5.91 m/s的坠撞速度下,具有良好的适坠性。 To verify the crashworthiness of typical metal aircraft fuselage structure,this paper has carried out the fuselage straight segment structure vertical crash test under the velocity of 5.91 m/s.Ground impact load,fuselage deformation,acceleration response of typical positions at fuselage,and dummy response are obtained.The fuselage structure failure mechanism,the regularity of load transfer and the energy absorption characteristics during the crash are analyzed.The crashworthiness design methods of the fuselage are put forward.The experimental study shows that under the impact load the structure of the cabin floor under the beam appears serious deformation and damage,and the fuselage presents a non-symmetrical failure mode.During the impact,the fuselage structure absorbs most of the impact energy through the deformation and fracture of the columns,the deformation and fracture of the frames and the deformation of the beams.Therefore,compared with the peak acceleration at the column,the peak acceleration at the occupant decreases by about 90%.It can be known from the integrated crashworthiness index that the fuselage structure has good crashworthiness at the crash velocity of 5.91 m/s.
作者 张欣玥 惠旭龙 刘小川 白春玉 ZHANG Xinyue;XI Xulong;LIU Xiaochuan;BAI Chunyu(Aircraft Strength Research Institute of China,Xi'an 710065,China;Aviation Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Structures Impact Dynamics,Xi'an 710065,China;Shaanxi Province Key Laboratory of Aircraft Vibration,Impact and Noise,Xi'an 710065,China)
出处 《航空学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期361-374,共14页 Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica
基金 民机专项科研项目(MJ-2017-F-15)。
关键词 民机 适坠性 坠撞试验 加速度响应 吸能 civil aircraft crashworthiness drop test acceleration response energy absorption
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