

Value and Reserve Talents for Positions of Generals and Ministers:Preliminary Study on the Talent Reserve System in Ancient China
摘要 中国古代常有良好的储才制度,体现社会公平,利于人才脱颖而出,如两汉的郎官、大夫制度,唐、明、清代的翰林制度,宋代的馆职帖职与侍从两制制度等。汉武帝独尊儒术,推行察举,是古代储才制度发展的一个重要环节。翰林院成为唐代最重要的储才基地,出现与翰林制度密切相关的宰相成长的“八隽”之途。馆阁、翰林院是宋代的储才基地,宋代储才制度注重文学与儒学修养,体现开放与公平,注重实践锻炼,崇高其位以砥砺名节,最具优点。翰林制度在明清仍是储才制度的核心,但在注重实务与基层锻炼方面逊色于唐宋。储才制度成为以加官、差遣方式打造中央核心决策体制或曰宰相体制、内辅体制的基础,优秀人才得以凭借文学、文化和管理等方面的优势,源源不断地进入中央核心决策团队,提高了决策水平,这是古代人力资源管理的一大特色,又以其对层级制组织存在的僵化、隔阂、低效等弊端具有补救、矫正作用而与当下的学习型组织、扁平化组织、有机-适应性组织等新型组织、管理理论相吻合,因而具有启发意义。 In ancient China,there was always a good talent reserve system featuring social equity and facilitating talent selection,such as the bureau director and senior official systems in the Han Dynasty,the Imperial Academy system in the Tang,Ming and Qing Dynasties,and the official appointment and nominal supernumerary appointment and assistant minister systems in the Song Dynasty.Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had a high respect for Confucianism and constructed the official recommendation system,which functioned as an important part in the development of the ancient talent reserve system.The Imperial Academy was the most important talent reserve base in the Tang Dynasty,where there was an "eight-talent" path for the growth of prime ministers closely related to the Imperial Academy system.The Imperial Library and the Imperial Academy were the talent reserve bases in the Song Dynasty,when talent reserve system focused on literature and Confucianism cultivation,reflected openness and fairness,highlighted practices and respected those who maintained a clean reputation through honing themselves.The Imperial Academy system remained the core of the talent reserve system in the Ming and Qing Dynasties,but did worse than the previous two dynasties in terms of focus on practice and grass-roots training.By official promotion and commission,the talent reserve system functions as the basis for forming a central decision-making system,or the prime minister system and the governance assistance system.With the strengths in literature,culture and management,outstanding talents can continuously enter the central core decision-making team,improving the decision-making level.This is a major feature of ancient human resources management,which made up for and rectified the rigidity,estrangement,inefficiency and other shortcomings of hierarchical organizations.Its principle is consistent with today’s new management theories like current learning organization,flat organization,organic adaptive organization,which is of enlightening significance.
作者 李宜春 张焕颖 Li Yichun;Zhang Huanying
出处 《中国人事科学》 2022年第7期82-92,共11页 Chinese Personnel Science
基金 2020年度山东省社科规划研究项目:统筹型行政体制研究(批准号:20CZZJ02) 2019年度临沂大学博士科研启动基金项目:古代中央核心决策体制研究的研究成果。
关键词 储才制度 翰林 宰相 馆职 加官差遣 新型组织理论 talent reserve system academician prime minister chief librarian promotion and appointment new organization theories
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