

Exploring the Origin of the Thought of Reproductive Worship Culture in the Creation Myths
摘要 以唯物史观为意识纲领,以生命本体论为基点剖释创世神话中的生殖崇拜文化。创世神话中所叙说的天地起源万物肇始成因和人类诞生由来交织着自然崇拜和生命崇拜这两种生殖崇拜类型。原始先民的万物有灵观主导着他们的生殖崇拜信仰。宇宙卵生型神话将世界的本原想象成“鸡子”,定义为“宇宙蛋”,源于原始先民对女性生殖器官和分娩过程“以己度物”的神话推理逻辑。美国民俗学家阿兰·邓迪斯借助弗洛伊德的精神分析学理论分析潜水捞泥者神话中泥土的形象,运用类比思维与生命排泄物相联系,并递进推演,最终提出男性创世学说。鲧腹生禹神话和触树感生神话分别以鱼和树为具有象征性的自然物来隐喻生殖力和性。归根结蒂,原型(集体无意识)实为创世神话中生殖崇拜文化诸思想类型的本源。 Taking historical materialism as the ideological program and life ontology as the basic point, this paper analyzes the reproductive worship culture in the creation myths.The origin of heaven and earth, the origin of all things and the origin of human birth described in the creation myths are intertwined with two types of reproductive worship: nature worship and life worship.The animism of primitive ancestors dominated their reproductive worship.The universal oviparous type myths imagine the origin of the world as "egg" and define it as "cosmic egg". This view stems from the mythological reasoning logic of "measuring things with oneself" of the primitive ancestors on the female reproductive organs and the birth process. With the help of Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, American folklorist Alan Dundes analyzed the image of soil in the myth of earth-diver, uses analogical thinking to connect with fecal matter, and deduced this view step by step, and finally put forward the theory that men create the world.The myth of Yu born from Gun’s belly and the myth of heaven-induced lives by touching trees metaphorize fertility and sexuality with fish and tree as symbolic natural objects respectively. In the final analysis, the prototype(collective unconsciousness) is the origin of various ideological types of reproductive worship culture in the creation myths.
作者 高晓芳 GAO Xiao-fang(School of Political Science and Public Administration,Neijiang Normal University,Neijiang Sichuan 641100)
出处 《牡丹江大学学报》 2022年第9期97-102,108,共7页 Journal of Mudanjiang University
基金 国家社会科学基金西部项目“美国民俗学家阿兰·邓迪斯研究”(项目编号:17XMZ020) 四川性社会学与性教育研究中心一般项目“神话中的生殖崇拜文化研究”(项目编号:SXJYB2017)阶段成果。
关键词 创世神话 生殖崇拜 原型 集体无意识 象征 creation myths reproductive worship prototype collective unconsciousness symbol
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