
“双减”背景下小学英语家庭作业设计的现实问题与优化策略——基于H市A校五年级学生的调查 被引量:10

Current Problems and Optimization Strategies of Primary School English Homework in the Context of“Double Reduction”——a survey based on fifth-grade students in A school in H City
摘要 运用问卷调查与访谈法了解“双减”背景下小学英语家庭作业设计的现实问题,发现目前小学英语家庭作业设计存在以下问题:作业未分层设计;作业形式单一、缺乏趣味;作业内容设计未渗透核心素养培养;作业缺乏对学生探索能力的指引;作业批改主体单一,以终结性评价为主。因此,在小学英语家庭作业设计中需尊重学生个体差异,设计有选择的分层作业;丰富作业类型以提升趣味;作业设计渗透核心素养;设置探索性作业;优化作业评价机制。 The current problems of primary school English homework design in the context of“double reduction”are explored by questionnaires and interviews.It is found that homework is not designed by level,its form is single,and it is uninteresting.The design of homework content does not penetrate core literacy development and lacks guidance for students’exploration ability.The homework is assessed by a single subject and is mostly summative in nature.Therefore,it is necessary to respect students’individual differences in homework design,design selective homework by level,enrich the types of homework to make it more interesting,permeate homework design with core literacy,assign exploration-type homework,and optimize the homework assessment mechanism.
作者 高楠 陈志利 GAO Nan;CHEN Zhili(School of Education,Huaibei Normal University,Huaibei,Anhui 235000,China)
出处 《成都师范学院学报》 2022年第7期8-16,共9页 Journal of Chengdu Normal University
基金 淮北师范大学2020年学位与研究生教育质量工程项目“教育硕士实践能力提升方式研究与实践”(2020xyjxyj001)。
关键词 “双减”政策 小学英语 家庭作业 作业设计 作业评价 作业管理 核心素养 “double reduction”policy primary school English homework homework design homework evaluation homework management core literacy
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