
外源硒对核桃硒含量和果实品质的影响及生理作用机制 被引量:8

Effect of exogenous selenium application on selenium content and fruit quality as well as its physiological mechanism in walnut
摘要 【目的】探究不同外源硒对核桃硒含量、果实品质、矿质元素含量、抗氧化酶活性的影响,明确核桃最优喷硒种类,以期为富硒核桃的生产提供理论依据。【方法】以6年生的核桃品种中核1号为试材,选取硒酸钠、亚硒酸钠、酵母硒溶液为外源硒源,于果实膨大期每周对幼苗叶片均匀喷施400 mg·L^(-1)的外源硒溶液,共计喷施8次。【结果】喷施3种外源硒增加了核桃叶片、果皮、果仁中的硒含量,其中酵母硒的作用最显著。3种硒处理均显著增加核桃果实和果仁质量及果仁亚油酸含量,但显著降低了果仁粗脂肪和饱和脂肪酸含量。对于矿质元素含量,喷硒处理促进了核桃果仁中钾、锌的吸收,但抑制钙的吸收,对铁和镁的吸收没有显著影响。在核桃果实膨大期喷施3种外源硒源,均显著提高核桃果仁中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)的活性,其中酵母硒处理效果最显著。除硒酸钠处理显著降低丙二醛(MDA)含量外,其他2种硒源处理对MDA含量无显著影响。【结论】在核桃果实膨大期,叶面喷施外源硒可提高核桃果实硒含量,影响矿质养分吸收,提高抗氧化能力,降低过氧化物程度,进而提高果实品质,其中酵母硒综合效果最好。 【Objective】In order to clarify the physiological responses of exogenous selenium application to enhancing selenium content and nut quality,the 6-year-old walnut(Zhonghe 1)trees were selected to study the effects of spraying three different selenium sources on the selenium content in leaves,husk and kernel during the fruit swell period.The effects of 3 selenium sources on fruit quality,mineral nutrient content and antioxidant enzyme activity were analyzed.Thus,it may set a perspective and provide a firm theoretical basis for future Se fertilizer application in Se-rich walnut production.【Methods】In the fruit swell stage,400 mg·L^(-1)of sodium selenate,selenium yeast and sodium selenite solution were applied on the leaf surface of seedlings for 8 times.Selenium contents in leaves,husk and kernel were determined by hydride-generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry(HG-AFS)(AFS8510;Beijing Haiguang Instrument Co.,Beijing,China).Fruit and kernel weights were weighed with an electronic balance.The rate of crude,linoleic,unsaturated fatty acid and saturated fatty acid in the kernel were determined by LC-MS and GC-MS.The concentrations of zinc(Zn),iron(Fe),potassium(K),calcium(Ca)and magnesium(Mg)in the kernel were measured by the inductively complied plasma-atomic emission spectrometry.Kernel samples(0.2 g)from 4 treatments were homogenized in 5 mL of 0.1 mol·L^(-1)phosphate buffer(pH 7.8)and centrifuged at 4000×g for 10 min at 4℃.And the supernatant was used to assay the concentration of malondialdehyde(MDA)and the activities of superoxide dismutase(SOD),peroxidase(POD)and ascorbate peroxidase(APX)by ELISA kit.The effects of different selenium sources on fruit quality,mineral nutrient content and antioxidant enzyme activity were analyzed.【Results】Compared with the water control,Se yeast treatment significantly increased selenium content by 192,36 and 68 times in leaves,husk and kernel,respectively.Na_(2)SeO_(4)and Na_(2)SeO_(3)treatments also dramatically increased Se levels by 101 and 96 times in leaves,23 and 24 times in husk,63 and 61 times in kernel,respectively.Na_(2)SeO_(4),Se yeast and Na_(2)SeO_(3)notably increased the weight of fruit and kernel by 14.2%,25.2%and 9.3%,and 18.1%,36.2%and 20.6%,respectively,compared to the water control.With regards to the kernel quality,Na_(2)SeO_(4),Se yeast and Na_(2)SeO_(3)dramatically decreased the contents of kernel crude fat and kernel saturated fatty acid by 9.2%,18.5%and 8.1%,and 7.6%,13.7%and 6.4%,respectively,compared to the water control.However,3 types of exogenous selenium markedly increased the rate of kernel linoleic acid content at the same level.It was worth noting that there were no significant differences in the rate of kernel unsaturated fatty acid contents among all treatments.The three selenium treatments increased the contents of Zn and K in the kernel to varying degrees,but significantly reduced the level of Ca,while there was no significant effect on Fe and Mg contents.Compared with water control,Na_(2)SeO_(4),selenium yeast and Na_(2)SeO_(3)treatments increased Zn and K contents by 13.2%,22.5%and 12.1%,and 30.2%,50.9%and 30.4%,respectively.However,the Ca content in the kernel was reduced to 17.1%,17.4%and 17.3%,respectively.Compared to the appropriate control,Na_(2)SeO_(4),Se yeast and Na_(2)SeO_(3)notably increased the activity of SOD,POD and APX by 28.2%,76.5%and 28.3%,60.2%,129.5%and 86.2%,and 9.9%,24.4%and 17.3%,respectively.However,Se yeast and Na_(2)SeO_(3)had no significant effects on MDA content,while Na_(2)SeO_(4)decreased it by 26.8%,compared to the water control.【Conclusion】The exogenous selenium treatments could increase the selenium levels in leaves,husk and kernel,and the selenium yeast treatment had the most significant effect.The 3 selenium treatments significantly increased fruit and kernel weights and kernel linoleic acid content,but significantly decreased kernel crude fat and saturated fatty acid contents.Selenium spraying promoted the absorption of mineral nutrients like potassium and zinc,but inhibited the absorption of calcium.However,there was no significant effect on the absorption of iron and magnesium in the kernel.Spraying sodium selenate,selenium yeast and sodium selenite solution during walnut fruit swell stage significantly increased the activities of superoxide dismutase(SOD),peroxidase(POD)and ascorbate peroxidase(APX)in the kernel,among which selenium yeast treatment had the most significant effect.Except sodium selenate treatment significantly reduced malondialdehyde(MDA)content in the kernel,the other 2 selenium treatments had no significant effect on MDA content level.In a word,in the walnut fruit enlargement period,spraying 3 kinds of selenium fertilizer on the leaves(sodium selenate,yeast selenium and sodium selenite)can increase the selenium contents in leaf and fruit,thus affecting the absorption of mineral nutrients,improve the antioxidant capacity of the fruit,reduce the degree of peroxide,and then improve the quality of walnut fruit.Among them,foliar spraying with selenium yeast had the best comprehensive efficacy,so that it could be widely used in the seleniumrich cultivation of walnut.
作者 龚天芝 张德健 GONG Tianzhi;ZHANG Dejian(Tibet Plateau Walnut Industry Research Institute,Yangtze University,Jingzhou 434025,Hubei,China;College of Horticulture and Gardening,Yangtze University,Jingzhou 434025,Hubei,China)
出处 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第8期1443-1449,共7页 Journal of Fruit Science
基金 湖北省“十四五”重大科技援藏项目(SCXX-XZCG-22016) 西藏山南市科技局本级科技计划项目(2021Z21008)。
关键词 核桃 矿质元素 果实品质 抗氧化系统 Walnut Selenium Mineral nutrient Fruit quality Antioxidant system
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