
High diversity of Graphidaceae (lichenized Ascomycota: Ostropales) in Amazonian Perú

摘要 A survey of crustose microlichens at Los Amigos Biological Station in Amazonian Peru revealed 116 species of Graphidaceae at this site.This is the second highest number of Graphidaceae ever reported for a single site world-wide,after the Surumoni crane station in Venezuela,with 131 species,and followed by Fakahatchee Strand Park Preserve in Florida,with 111 species.Based on the number of Graphidaceae found at Los Amigos,we predict the total lichen species richness at this site to be approximately 700 species.Of the 116 species encountered at Los Amigos,59 were graphidoid species(former Graphidaceae s.str.)and 67 thelotremoid species(former Thelotremataceae).The following 18 species are described as new:Ampliotrema sorediatum Rivas Plata&Lücking,spec.nova,Chapsa hypoconstictica Rivas Plata&Lücking,spec.nova,Chapsa scabiocarpa Rivas Plata&Lücking,spec.nova,Chapsa subsorediata Rivas Plata&Lücking,spec.nova,Diorygma nigricans Rivas Plata&Lücking,spec.nova,Fissurina flavomedullosa Rivas Plata&Lücking,spec.nova,Fissurina platythecioides Rivas Plata&Lücking,spec.nova,Graphis apertoinspersa Rivas Plata&Lücking,spec.nova,Graphis pitmanii Rivas Plata&Lücking,spec.nova,Leucodecton inspersum Rivas Plata&Lücking,spec.nova,Ocellularia cicra Rivas Plata&Lücking,spec.nova,Ocellularia fenestrata Rivas Plata&Lücking,spec.nova,Ocellularia microsorediata Rivas Plata&Lücking,spec.nova,Ocellularia natashae Rivas Plata&Lücking,spec.nova,Ocellularia plicata Rivas Plata&Lücking,spec.nova,Ocellularia protoinspersa Rivas Plata&Lücking,spec.nova,Ocellularia pustulata Rivas Plata&Lücking,spec.nova,and Thelotrema amazonicum Rivas Plata&Lücking,spec.nova.
出处 《Fungal Diversity》 SCIE 2013年第1期13-32,共20页 真菌多样性(英文)
基金 by the United States National Science Foundation(NSF)to The Field Museum:“Phylogeny and Taxonomy of Ostropalean Fungi”(DEB 0516116,PI Lumbsch,Co-PI Lücking) “Neotropical Epiphytic Microlichens”(DEB 0715660,PI Lücking) “ATM-Assembling a taxonomic monograph:The lichen family Graphidaceae”(DEB 1025861 PI Lumbsch,Co-PI Lücking) Fieldwork was possible thanks to the doctoral thesis grant:“Estructura de la comunidad de liquenes crustosos,con enfasis en la familia Thelotremataceae,basada en especificidad de forofitos,microclima y nivel de disturbio forestal en la Concesión de Conservación Los Amigos(sureste peruano)”(MOORE Y710330 PI Rivas Plata),awarded by the Asociación para la Conservación de la Cuenca Amazónica(ACCA).The first author is also grateful to a stipend from the Lester Armour Fund through the Field Museum which enabled part of the laboratory and data analysis work.
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