
模块化变电站人字构架预应力装配式基础研究及有限元分析 被引量:3

Design Study and Numerical Analysis of Modularized Substation Herringbone Frame Prestressed Prefabricated Foundation
摘要 为了推动模块化绿色变电站的示范和应用,人字构架现浇混凝土基础亟待向预制装配化发展,然而目前国内外相关研究较少见。本文通过合理优化基础结构、提出可靠连接方式,研发出了一种新型人字构架预应力装配式基础。使用ABAQUS有限元程序考虑了材料非线性和“预应力装配式基础-地基土体”复杂接触等问题,分析其在设计荷载下的受力性能、基础沉降和变形协调等。研究结果表明,该预应力装配式基础在设计荷载下的承载力和沉降值均满足规范要求,基础与土体在受荷时协同变形,持荷情况良好。研发的新型基础具有良好的社会经济效益。研究成果可为模块化变电站人字构架装配式基础的推广和应用提供参考依据。 In order to promote the demonstration and application of modular green substation,the cast-in-place concrete foundation of herringbone frame is urgently needed to be developed to prefabricated assembly However,there are few relevant researches at home and abroad.In this paper,a new prestressed prefabricated foundation of herring frame is developed by reasonably optimizing the foundation structure and putting forward a reliable connection mode.The ABAQUS finite element program was used to analyze the mechanical performance,foundation settlement and deformation coordination under the design load,taking into account the material nonlinearity and the complex contact problems of“prestressed prefabricated foundation and soil mass”.The results show that the bearing capacity and settlement value of the prestressed prefabricated foundation under the design load meet the code requirements,and the foundation and the soil body are deformed cooperatively during loading and hold the loading well..The new foundation developed has good social and economic benefits.The research results can provide a reference for the popularization and application of fabricated foundations for modular substations.
作者 张慧洁 王灿 李景哲 王静峰 高奔浩 ZHANG Huijie;WANG Cang;LI Jingzhe;WANG Jingfeng;GAO Benhao(Economic and Technical Research Institutc of State Grid Anhui Electric Power Co.,Ltd.,Hefei 230071,China;College of Civil Engineering,Hefei University of Technology,Hefei 230009,China;Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Steel Structure Technology and Industrialization,Hefei 230009,China)
出处 《结构工程师》 2022年第3期138-147,共10页 Structural Engineers
基金 国家自然科学基金(51478158) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(PA2019GDZC0094) 国家电网科研项目(B31209190003)。
关键词 模块化变电站 人字构架装配式基础 预应力连接 基础沉降 Modular substation prefabricated foundation of herringbone frame prestressed connection foundation settlement
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