针对中国现有土地资源人类活动适宜性评价方法存在的问题,搭建了适用于青藏高原的评价流程框架,建立了基于栅格单元的建设用地和耕地适宜性定量评价模型,提出了空气密度、气温、坡地适建、坡耕地土壤抗蚀等关键参数的普适性算法,并以藏东南米林县为例进行了实证研究。结果表明:(1)米林县建设用地和耕地适宜性可划分为适宜、较适宜、一般适宜、欠适宜、不适宜5个等级类型,30 m精度建设用地各适宜性等级面积占土地面积比例依次为1.26%、2.92%、2.12%、2.77%和90.93%;50 m、100 m各等级面积较30 m误差±0.34%,250 m误差±1.11%,500 m、1000 m误差较大。30 m精度耕地各适宜性等级面积占土地面积比例依次为0.72%、3.07%、2.62%、1.35%和92.25%;50 m、100 m、250 m与30 m误差±0.52%,500 m、1000 m误差较大;(2)米林县现状城镇村及工矿用地主要分布在建设用地较适宜、适宜和一般适宜等级类型,30 m精度三者合计占比达95.96%,50 m、100 m占比分别为95.96%和94.74%。现状耕地和种植园用地主要分布在较适宜、一般适宜和适宜等级类型,3种栅格精度下三者合计占比大于96%;(3)业已建立的评价方法、定量模型及参数算法是可行的和适用的,青藏高原建设用地和耕地适宜性评价的适宜栅格精度为100 m,最大不超过250 m;(4)建立了可应用于青藏高原的土地资源建设用地和耕地适宜性等级类型与地形高程及坡度对应谱系。
The existing human activity suitability evaluation of land resources in China has the defects of insufficient theoretical support in terms of basic data accuracy, elevation and slope classification and suitability grade judgement. When it is applied empirically, there are some problems such as excessive evaluation factors, difficulty in obtaining indicator data, and low altitude of applicable regions. In this paper, we constructed a technical evaluation framework applicable to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and established a grid-scale evaluation model for construction land suitability and cultivated land suitability after selecting key parameters that vary with topographic elevation and slope. And then we proposed a generalized algorithm for key parameters such as atmosphere density, air temperature, slope suitability for construction,and soil erosion resistance of sloping cultivated land. With Milin County in southeastern Tibet as an example, the empirical research has been carried out according to the interval of 100 m in elevation and 1° in slope. In addition, grid precisions of 30 m, 50 m, 100 m, 250 m, 500 m, and1000 m are tested. This article obtains four conclusions:(1) The construction land suitability and cultivated land suitability can be classified into five levels: suitable, relatively suitable,moderately suitable, less suitable, and unsuitable. Under the grid precision of 30 m, the five levels of construction land suitability account for 1.26%, 2.92%, 2.12%, 2.77%, and 90.93%,respectively. Compared with 30 m, the area ratio results of 50 m, 100 m and 250 m have the errors of ±0.34%, ±0.34% and ±1.11%, respectively. Similarly, the area ratio of each level of cultivated land suitability with a 30 m grid precision is 0.72%, 3.07%, 2.62%, 1.35%, and92.25%, the errors between it and the results under grid precision of 50 m, 100 m, and 250 m are ± 0.52%, and the errors of 500 m and 1000 m grid precisions for both construction land suitability and cultivated land suitability are relatively larger than those of the other grid precisions.(2) Current construction lands(i.e., settlements of cities, towns and villages,industrial and mining lands) in the study area are mainly distributed in areas with levels of relatively suitable, suitable, and moderately suitable according to the distribution ratio. Under grid precisions of 30 m, 50 m, and 100 m, the total land areas of these three levels account for95.96%, 95.96%, and 94.74%, respectively. Current cultivated land and plantation land are distributed in areas with levels of relatively suitable, moderately suitable, and suitable,accounting for more than 96% of different grid precisions.(3) The empirical research shows that evaluation method, quantitative model, and parameter algorithm for evaluating the human activity suitability of land resources in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are feasible and applicable. In the actual evaluation, the grid precision should be controlled within 100 m, and the maximum cannot exceed 250 m.(4) This study established a corresponding pedigree between construction land suitability and cultivated land suitability and topographic elevation and slope that can be applied to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Meanwhile, some professional defects are analyzed of available land resources evaluation methods in major function-oriented zoning and "Double Evaluations" of territorial spatial planning in China when applied to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
XU Yong;WANG Lijia;YANG Hua(Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling,Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,CAS,Beijing 100101,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China)
Acta Geographica Sinica
human activity
evaluation model
construction land suitability
cultivated land suitability
land resource
Qinghai-Tibet Plateau