
拜登政府对伊朗的缓和外交及美伊关系走向 被引量:1

The Biden Administration’s Diplomatic De-escalation towards Iran and the Trend of US-Iran Relations
摘要 美国的自身实力、国际地位以及国际政治格局的变化,是影响美国对伊朗政策的重要因素。在大国竞争逐渐加剧的情势下,作为世界头号强国的美国不愿看到拥有突出地缘战略地位的伊朗倒向其竞争对手一边,拜登政府被迫调整前任特朗普政府对伊朗的“极限施压”策略。长期遭受严厉国际制裁的伊朗也有改善外部发展环境的强烈愿望,尤其是莱希政府正在针对诸世界大国推行“平衡外交”,彰显伊朗缓和与西方国家关系的内在需要。拜登政府以参加恢复履行伊核协议的维也纳会谈为抓手,不断向伊朗做出希望缓和双边关系的姿态,这为美伊关系的进一步缓和以及更好发展提供了契机。但与此同时,美国和伊朗已经互相敌视40余年,双方存在诸多问题,两国的政治互信度仍然比较低,这在很大程度上会持续制约美伊关系缓和与改善的速度和空间。 The national power and international status of the United States,as well as changes in the international political pattern,are important factors affecting the United States’ policy towards Iran.When President Joe Biden took office in early2021,US-Iran relations were at a very severe moment,while Iran’s relations with China and Russia were deepening.Under the situation that the competition among world powers is gradually intensifying,the United States,as the world’s number one power,does not want to see Iran,which has a prominent geostrategic position,turn to the side of its competitors.The Biden administration has been forced to adjust the previous Trump administration ’s “maximum pressure ” policy on Iran.Iran,which has been subjected to severe international sanctions for a long time,also has a strong desire to improve the external development environment.Also,Iran’s great-power balance diplomacy is also conducive to the easing and improvement of relations with Western powers such as the United States.The Biden administration,starting with participating in the Vienna talks to comprehensively resume the implementation of the Iran nuclear deal,has constantly made a gesture to Iran that it hopes to ease bilateral relations,which provides an opportunity for the further easing and better development of US-Iran relations.However,at the same time,the United States and Iran have confronted each other for more than 40 years.The serious psychological gap between the two sides is difficult to disappear in a short time,and the political mutual trust between the two countries is still relatively low.This has and will greatly restrict the speed and space for the relaxation and improvement of US-Iran relations.
作者 范鸿达 Fan Hongda
出处 《西亚非洲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期95-114,158,159,共22页 West Asia and Africa
关键词 美国外交 拜登政府 伊朗 “平衡外交” 大国竞争 伊核协议 US Diplomacy Biden administration Iran “balance diplomacy” great power competition Iran nuclear deal
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