

The Road Map and Guidance to Follow for Building Governance Capability with a Focus on Capability of Exercising the Power
摘要 党的治国理政能力是基于党的执政能力、体现推进国家治理现代化的时代内涵和客观要求的新概括与新表达。治国理政能力侧重于在宏观和微观维度上对国家制度的集成与优化,并注重从正当性和合理性,上强化党对政权体制和国家机制等制度工具和治理资源的运用。从强调党的执政能力到追求党的治国理政能力的话语转换,其核心要义在于切实提升党协同国家治理诸要素关系,不断提升国家治理效能的能力。新时代以执政能力为重点的治国理政能力建设,需要以提升党内治理能力为驱动力、以提升制度建设及制度执行能力为核心要素、以改革完善治理方式为技术支撑,并在遵循唯物辩证法基础上,不断深化对社会主义建设规律和党的执政规律的认识和把握。 Based on the Communist Party of China(CPC)’s capability of exercising the power,the Party’s governance capability is a new generalization and expression which reflects the contemporary connotation and the objective requirements of promoting the modernization of national governance.The governance capability emphasizes the integration and optimization of the state system from the macro and micro dimensions,and stresses strengthening the Party’s use of institutional tools and governance resources such as the regime system and state mechanism from the perspective of legitimacy and rationality.The core of the discourse transformation from emphasizing the Party’s capability of exercising the power to pursuing the Party’s governance capability lies in effectively enhancing the Party’s capability to coordinate the various elements of state governance and continuously improve state governance efficiency. For building governance capability with emphasis on capability of exercising the power in the new era,it is necessary to enhance the Party’s governance capability as the driving force,promote the system construction and execution ability as the core element,reform and perfect the governance mode as the technical support,and on the basis of following the materialist dialectics,deepen our understanding and grasp of the laws of the socialist construction and the Party’s governance.
作者 赵中源 Zhao Zhongyuan(School of Marxism,Guangzhou University,Guangzhou Guangdong,510006)
出处 《宁夏党校学报》 2022年第4期5-13,共9页 Journal of the Party School of the CPC Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Committee
基金 中宣部文化名家暨“四个一批”理论人才专项资助项目“新时代国家治理现代化的要义与理路研究”、广东省社科规划重大项目“党的十八大以来国家治理现代化的历史性变革与历史性成就研究”(GD22ZDZ01-08)阶段性成果。
关键词 中国共产党 治国理政能力 执政能力 执政规律 the Communist Party of China Governance Capability Capability of Exercising the Power Laws of Governance
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