Under registration-based system,stocks are frequently traded below the offering prices.The green shoe mechanism is frequently used for the purpose of stabilizing listed companies’share prices in the capital market by flexibly adjusting the volume of outstanding shares.However,it appears that the function of Chinese version of green shoe mechanism is more than stabilization.The study found that under the exercise of rights,the newly issued shares were to be delivered to the strategic investors that made a commitment to restrict the sale instead of traded in the secondary market.In the situation that rights were not executed,the shares delivered by the underwriters to the strategic investors come from short-term investors who sell shares in the secondary market.In the above cases,the shareholding of long-term investors has increased.Besides stabilization,the Chinese version of green shoe mechanism can be treated as a trading mechanism for optimizing the shareholder structure.In consequence,during the reshaping process of China’s initial public offering regime,the varied functions of green shoe mechanism shall be treated dialectically.The measures include:adjusting the disclosure time of the green shoe mechanism,in order to eliminate its disruption to market inquiries and rational quotations;paying more attention to abnormally high pricing to prevent damage to the interests of public investors while implementing the market-oriented pricing mechanism.
Securities Market Herald
green shoe mechanism
underwriters’rights exercise
trade below the offering price
long-term investor