

摘要 近年来,随着中国动画电影的发展,以国产知名低幼IP和古代神话IP为基调的动画电影,在中国动画电影市场中占据主导地位。2021年底,动画电影《雄狮少年》在两类IP动画电影的夹缝中突出重围。其创作团队放弃IP开发市场转做原创剧本,规避神话故事着眼于现实题材,抛却千篇一律的神话宇宙观,融入别具一格的地方特色,开创了以现实主义题材、地方特色为特征的中国动画电影叙事另类尝试。与之前诸多“爆款”动画电影相比,《雄狮少年》另辟蹊径,进行了和市场驱动下非继承性探索。其在电影叙事中突破传统叙事审美,反好莱坞、非套路化、去模式化的努力,让其在中国动画电影的洪流中独树一帜。但其也存在一些不足和可以改进的地方:难以类型化,尤其缺少实现连续化生产的空间;受众定位依然较模糊;为现实主义而现实主义,却反被其禁锢而脱离现实。总体来说,《雄狮少年》开辟了现实主义的第三条路径,为国产动画电影的多元和高质量发展提供了可借鉴的经验,并且推动了中国动画电影的“本土化”进程。 In recent years, with the development of Chinese animated films, domestic animated films have a new development vein of big production, style and narration in China. However, domestic well-known juvenile IPs and ancient myth IPs based animation films dominate the Chinese animation film market. At the end of 2021, the animated film I Am What I Am broke through the gap between the two IPs animated films. Its creative team gave up IP development market and turned to original scripts, avoiding myth stories and focusing on realistic themes, discarding the stereotyped mythological cosmology and incorporating unique local characteristics, creating an alternative attempt of Chinese animation film narrative featuring non-IP, realistic themes and local characteristics. Compared with many previous "explosive" animated films, I Am What I Am breaks a new path, carrying out the development of alternative market and market driven non-inheritance exploration. Its efforts to break through the traditional narrative aesthetics in film narration, and to resist Hollywood, to achieve nonroutine and non-stereotyped goals which make it unique in the flood of Chinese animation films. However, I Am What I Am also has some shortcomings and can be improved: first, it is difficult to type, especially the lack of continuous production space;Second, the audience positioning is still fuzzy;Third, realism for realism’s sake is imprisoned by realism and thus divorced from reality. In general, I Am What I Am opens up the third path of realism, focusing on such realistic issues as left-behind children, the gap between urban and rural areas, migrant workers and the "second generation" of migrant workers, which expands the depth of the thought in film and increases its realistic significance. I Am What I Am provides experience for the diversified and high-quality development paths of Domestic animated films, and promotes the "localization" process of Chinese animated films.
作者 洪长晖 戚颖
出处 《北京文化创意》 2022年第2期20-26,共7页 Beijing Culture Creativity
关键词 《雄狮少年》 动画电影 IP 现实主义 另类尝试 I Am What I Am animated films IP realism alternative attempt
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