
急性尿潴留病史对摩西钬激光前列腺剜除术治疗良性前列腺增生早期预后的影响 被引量:2

Effect of history of acute urinary retention on the short-term prognosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia treated with MoLEP
摘要 目的:探讨急性尿潴留(AUR)病史对摩西钬激光前列腺剜除术(MoLEP)治疗良性前列腺增生症(BPH)早期预后的影响。方法:回顾性分析中国人民解放军总医院第三医学中心泌尿外科医学部2021年1月至10月接受MoLEP治疗的BPH患者120例,根据是否有AUR病史分为AUR(+)组41例和AUR(-)组79例。比较两组患者围手术期指标和术后并发症的差异,探究AUR病史对术后3个月最大尿流率(Qmax)、残余尿(PVR)、国际前列腺症状评分(IPSS)及生活质量评分(QOL)的影响。结果:AUR(+)组相比AUR(-)组BMI较小[23.88(21.77,25.40)kg/m^(2)vs 24.80(23.25,26.22)kg/m^(2),P=0.018],前列腺体积较大[80.00(52.00,91.00)ml vs 58.00(47.00,80.50)ml,P=0.044],术前尿白细胞阳性比例较高[22(53.7%)vs 9(11.4%),P<0.001]差异均有统计学意义。两组患者术后3个月Qmax、PVR、IPSS评分、QOL评及并发症的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。两组患者术后3个月IPSS评分和QOL评分均有明显改善(P<0.001)。结论:AUR病史对MoLEP治疗BPH的早期预后无不利影响。 Objective:To investigate the influence of history of acute urinary retention(AUR)on the shortterm prognosis of MoLEP for benign prostatic hyperplasia(BPH).Methods:A total of 120 patients with BPH re‐ceiving MoLEP from January to October 2021 in the Department of Urology Medicine of the Third Medical Center of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army General Hospital were retrospectively analyzed.They were divided into AUR‐group(79 cases)and non-AUR group(41 cases)according to their history of AUR.The differences in perioperative indexes and postoperative complications between the two groups were compared,and the correlation between the his‐tory of AUR and the maximum flow rate(Qmax),post-voiding residual urine volume(PVR),International Prostate Symptom Score(IPSS)and quality of life score(QOL)at 3 months after operation was tested.Results:The body mass index(BMI)was lower[23.88(26.22,21.77)kg/m^(2)vs.24.80(23.25,26.22)kg/m^(2),P=0.018]and prostate volume was larger[80.00(52.00,91.00)vs.58.00(52.00,91.00)mL,P=0.044]in AUR group than those in nonAUR group.There were significant differences in the proportion of positive urine leukocytes[22(53.7%)vs.9(11.4%),P<0.001].There was no significant difference in Qmax,PVR,IPSS,QOL and complications between the two groups at 3 months after operation(P>0.05).The IPSS and QOL scores were significantly improved in both groups at 3 months after surgery(P<0.001).Conclusion:The history of AUR has no adverse effect on the shortterm prognosis of BPH treated with MoLEP.
作者 吴洋洋 吕凯凯 郝晓伟 赖文辉 夏新泽 黄帅 罗振君 宋涛 袁清 Wu Yangyang;Lv Kaikai;Hao Xiaowei;Lai Wenhui;Xia Xinze;Huang Shuai;Luo Zhenjun;Song Tao;Yuan Qing(Graduate School,Medical School of Chinese PLA,Beijing 100853,China;Senior Department of Urology,the Third Medical Center of PLA General Hospital,Beijing 100039,China;Graduate School,Hebei North University,Zhangjiakou 075051,China;Second School of Clinical Medicine,Shanxi Medical University,Taiyuan 030001,China;Clinical Medicine,Weifang Medical University,Weifang 261053,China)
出处 《微创泌尿外科杂志》 2022年第2期106-111,共6页 Journal of Minimally Invasive Urology
基金 国家重点研发计划(2021YFC2009304)。
关键词 前列腺增生 尿潴留 摩西钬激光前列腺剜除术 预后 prostatic hyperplasia urinary retention holmium prognosis
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