
面向配电网灵活性的电动汽车充放电控制策略研究 被引量:3

Bi-level scheduling strategy for electric vehicles oriented to distribution network flexibility
摘要 从配电网灵活性出发,提出了面向配电网灵活性的电动汽车充放电双层控制策略。首先建立了配电网灵活性指标体系和配电网灵活性评估方法,在此基础上提出了电动汽车充放电双层控制策略。上层决策者为配电网调度中心,以最优化配电网灵活性为目标制定调度指令发布给下层;下层决策者为各电动汽车充电站,通过制定其所管辖的电动汽车的充放电计划来响应上层指令,达到和上次指令偏差最小化。最后,算例验证了所提电动汽车充放电控制方案能有效地提高配电网灵活性。 Oriented to the flexibility of distribution network,a bi-level scheduling strategy for electric vehicles is proposed in this paper.Firstly,the index system of distribution network flexibility and the evaluation method of distri-bution network flexibility are established.On this basis,the bi-level scheduling strategy for electric vehicle is proposed.The upper level decision-maker is the distribution network dispatching center,aiming at optimizing the flexi-bility of distribution network,formulating dispatching instructions and issuing them to the lower level;The lower level decision-maker responds to the upper level instruction by formulating the charge and discharge plan of the electric vehicle under its jurisdiction for each electric vehicle charging station,so as to minimize the deviation from the last instruction.Finally,an example shows that the proposed electric vehicle charge discharge control scheme can effectively improve the flexibility of distribution network.
作者 王梦涵 江全元 WANG Meng-han;JIANG Quan-yuan(College of Electrical Engineering,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310027,China)
出处 《能源工程》 2022年第4期87-94,共8页 Energy Engineering
关键词 配电网 灵活性 电动汽车 充放电控制 distribution network flexibility electric vehicle scheduling strategy
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