Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a complication of diabetesmellitus thatappears in the retina. Clinitians use retina images to detect DR pathologicalsigns related to the occlusion of tiny blood vessels. Such occlusion brings adegenerative cycle between the breaking off and the new generation of thinnerand weaker blood vessels. This research aims to develop a suitable retinalvasculature segmentation method for improving retinal screening proceduresby means of computer-aided diagnosis systems. The blood vessel segmentationmethodology relies on an effective feature selection based on SequentialForward Selection, using the error rate of a decision tree classifier in theevaluation function. Subsequently, the classification process is performed bythree alternative approaches: artificial neural networks, decision trees andsupport vector machines. The proposed methodology is validated on threepublicly accessible datasets and a private one provided by Hospital Sant Joanof Reus. In all cases we obtain an average accuracy above 96% with a sensitivityof 72% in the blood vessel segmentation process. Compared with the state-ofthe-art, our approach achieves the same performance as other methods thatneed more computational power.Our method significantly reduces the numberof features used in the segmentation process from 20 to 5 dimensions. Theimplementation of the three classifiers confirmed that the five selected featureshave a good effectiveness, independently of the classification algorithm.
This work has been funded by the research project PI18/00169 from Instituto de Salud Carlos III&FEDER funds.University Rovira i.Virgili also provided funds with Project 2019PFR-B2-61.