

Marshall-White Syndrome:A Case Report
摘要 患者女,35岁。小腿白斑进行性增多6年,伴手臂白斑1年。前臂及小腿见多个散在分布的直径约0.5~1.5 cm圆形或类圆形白色斑片,界限清楚,表面光滑无鳞屑,周围皮肤颜色正常,白斑密集不融合,对称分布,触之皮温正常,摩擦白斑处后可见白斑颜色变淡甚至消失,高举手臂白斑颜色变淡。皮肤镜:摩擦皮损前,镜下见淡白色斑片及散在苍白色点,白斑内见不规则网状色素沉着及散在点球状血管;摩擦皮损后,镜下见淡白色斑片及散在苍白色点,白斑内见不规则网状色素沉着及点球状、线状分支状毛细血管。诊断:Marshall-White综合征。 A 35-year-old female presented with leukoplakia on lower leg increased progressively for six years,on the arm for one year.Multiple scattered round or quasi round white spots with a diameter about 0.5-1.5 cm could be seen on the forearm and lower leg.The lesions boundary was clear,the surface was smooth and free of scales,the surrounding skin color was normal,the white spots could dense and non fused,symmetrically distributed,and the skin temperature was normal.The white spots could be seen to fade or even disappear after rubbing,and the white spots fade when raised arm.Before rubbing the lesions,light white patches and scattered pale spots could be seen under the microscope,and irregular reticular pigmentation and scattered punctate blood vessels could be seen in the white spots.Light white patches and scattered pale white spots could be seen under the microscope after rubbing the lesions.Irregular reticular pigmentation and spherical and linear branching capillaries could be seen in the white spots.The diagnosis of Marshall White syndrome was made.
作者 龙声志 文昌晖 胡森 林丽丹 毛微 吴贤波 LONG Shengzhi;WNE Changhui;HU Sen;LIN Lidan;MAO Wei;WU Xianbo(Department of Dermatology,Bijie Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Bijie 551700,China;Department of Dermatology,the First Affiliated Hospital of Guizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Guiyang 550001,China;College of Sports Medicine and Health,Chengdu Sport University,Chengdu 610041,China)
出处 《中国皮肤性病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第7期827-829,共3页 The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology
关键词 MARSHALL-WHITE综合征 白斑 热冷刺激 皮肤镜 Marshall-White syndrome Leukoplakia Hot and cold stimulation Dermatoscope
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