One of the common transportation systems in Korea is calling taxis through online applications,which is more convenient for passengers and drivers in the modern area.However,the driver’s passenger taxi request can be rejected based on the driver’s location and distance.Therefore,there is a need to specify driver’s acceptance and rejection of the received request.The security of this systemis anothermain core to save the transaction information and safety of passengers and drivers.In this study,the origin and destination of the Jeju island SouthKorea were captured from T-map and processed based on machine learning decision tree and XGBoost techniques.The blockchain framework is implemented in the Hyperledger Fabric platform.The experimental results represent the features of socio-economic.The cross-validation was accomplished.Distance is another factor for the taxi trip,which in total trip in midnight is quite shorter.This process presents the successful matching of ride-hailing taxi services with the specialty of distance,the trip request,and safety based on the total city measurement.
This research was financially supported by the Ministry of Small and Mediumsized Enterprises(SMEs)and Startups(MSS),Korea,under the“Regional Specialized Industry Development Program(R&D,S3091627)”supervised by Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology(KIAT).