

Investigation and Research on the Cognitive Level and Characteristics of Hand,Foot and Mouth Disease among Parents of Kindergarten Children in Yangxin County
摘要 目的探究阳信县幼托机构儿童家长对手足口病的认知水平以及疾病特征的调查分析。方法研究样本选自山东省阳信县幼托机构355名儿童,除单亲家庭外,均调查父母双亲,共计调查家长700名,研究时间介于2018年2月—2019年3月之间,对家长进行问卷调查,并且记录其调查结果。结果从所有儿童家庭成员行为习惯特征上分析,在生活用品单用、良好的吐痰习惯、饭前便后洗手、生熟食品分开摆放、多喝白开水、咳嗽时遮掩口鼻、勤换毛巾和床单等生活习惯上保持较为良好,均在90.0%以上,而在家庭定期消毒、每年进行1次体检等生活习惯上较差,均在60%以下。从不同性别家长手足口病知识认知上分析,在开窗通风、少去通风质量较差场所、饭前便后洗手、定期消毒等指标上,男性认知水平较差,均在25%以下,女性认知水平较高,均在45%以上,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);从不同学历的家长手足口病知识认知上分析,初中以下学历家长认知水平较差,均在20%以下,初中到大专学历家长认知水平一般,均在20%~60%之间,大专以上学历认知水平较高,均在80%以上,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论幼托机构儿童家长对手足口病知识掌握还欠缺全面性,不同性别、不同学历对疾病知识掌握情况也不同,需要针对性地开展手足口病健康教育。 Objective To investigate the cognition level and disease characteristics of children's parents in Yangxin County kindergarten institutions.Methods The research sample was selected from 355 children in a kindergarten institution in Yangxin County,Shandong Province,except for single-parent families,both parents were investigated,and a total of 700 parents were investigated.The research time was between February 2018 and March 2019,questionnaire surveys were conducted and their findings were recorded.Results From the analysis of the behavioral characteristics of all children's family members,daily necessities were used alone,good spitting habits,washing hands before and after meals,placing raw and cooked food separately,drinking more boiled water,covering mouth and nose when coughing,and changing towels,bed sheets frequently and other living habits were maintained relatively well,all above 90.0%.However,living habits such as regular household disinfection and annual physical examination were poor,all below 60%.From the analysis of knowledge cognition of hand,foot and mouth disease among parents of different genders,in terms of opening windows for ventilation,less going to places with poor ventilation quality,washing hands before meals and after toilet,regular disinfection and other indicators,male cognition level was poor,all below 25%.The cognitive level of women was higher,all above 45%,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).From the analysis of the knowledge and cognition of HFMD among parents with different educational backgrounds,the cognition level of parents with junior high school education and below was poor,all below 20%.The cognitive level of parents with junior high school to college degree was generally between 20%and 60%.The cognitive level of college degree or above was better,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion The knowledge of hand,foot and mouth disease in children's parents in kindergarten institutions is not comprehensive,and the knowledge of hand,foot and mouth disease is different for different genders and educational backgrounds,and it is necessary to carry out health education on hand,foot and mouth disease.
作者 王桂花 WANG Guihua(Yangxin Disease Control and Prevention Center Office,Yangxin,Shandong Province,251800 China)
出处 《中国卫生产业》 2022年第12期215-217,252,共4页 China Health Industry
关键词 阳信县 幼托机构 儿童家长 手足口病 认知水平 认知特征 Yangxin county Kindergarten institutions Children's parents Hand,foot and mouth disease Cognitive level Cognitive characteristics
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