
如何设计商业模式——基于“行为-认知”视角的理论综述与整合模型构建 被引量:1

How to Design Business Model:Literature Review and Construction of Integrated Model from Behavioral-Cognitive Perspective
摘要 “如何设计商业模式”是商业模式研究的核心问题,从设计者的认知与行为互动视角可以较为全面地解答这一问题。在对行为视角、认知视角及“行为-认知”整合视角商业模式设计研究加以系统述评的基础上,从“认知引导行为”与“行为反馈认知”两个维度出发,构建起商业模式设计的“行为-认知”互动过程整合模型,最后给出了未来研究建议,对于推进商业模式设计研究具有重要理论启示。 The core of business model research is business model design,and we can gain a more comprehensive answer to the problem from the integration of cognitive and behavioral perspective.The paper reviews the study on cognitive perspective,behavioral perspective and cognitive-behavioral integration perspective of business model design.Then,based on the two dimensions,which are“cognition guides behavior”and“behavior couples back cognition”,the paper builds up a cognitive-behavioral integration model of business model design.By providing some suggestions for future studies,this paper aimed at promoting the study of business model design.
作者 王森强 薛超凯 WANG Senqiang;XUE Chaokai(School of Management,Shandong University of Technology,Zibo 255012,China)
出处 《科学与管理》 2022年第4期25-32,共8页 Science and Management
基金 山东省社科规划项目(21CSDJ02)。
关键词 商业模式设计 行为视角 认知视角 “行为-认知”整合视角 整合模型 business model design behavioral perspective cognitive perspective behavioral-cognitive integration perspective integration model
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