
国外急诊科护士继发性创伤应激的研究进展 被引量:3

Research progress on secondary traumatic stress among nurses in Emergency Department abroad
摘要 继发性创伤应激是指由于对他人所经历创伤性事件了解而产生的自然、随之而来的情绪和行为,它是因帮助或想要帮助受创伤的人而产生的压力,被视为护士职业伤害之一。急诊科护士由于处于不可预测的工作环境下,常经历患者死亡、自杀、创伤事件及参与突发事件中大量创伤患者的急救与护理,其发生继发性创伤应激的风险增加。本文主要对急诊科护士继发性创伤应激的概念、症状、现状、测量工具和影响因素进行综述,为临床实践中进一步识别和干预提供依据。 Secondary traumatic stress refers to the natural,consequent emotions and behaviors that arise from knowledge of traumatic events experienced by others.It is the stress of helping or wanting to help a traumatized person and is considered one of the occupational injuries for nurses.Because of the unpredictable working environment,nurses in Emergency Department often experience patient death,suicide,traumatic events,and participate in emergency first aid and nursing of a large number of trauma patients,and they are at increased risk of secondary traumatic stress.This article mainly reviews the concept,symptoms,current situation,measurement tools and influencing factors of secondary traumatic stress of nurses in Emergency Department,so as to provide a basis for further identification and intervention in clinical practice.
作者 张怡宁 高凤莉 李倩倩 魏征 张艳慧 赵丽新 Zhang Yining;Gao Fengli;Li Qianqian;Wei Zheng;Zhang Yanhui;Zhao Lixin(School of Nursing,Capital Medical University,Beijing 100069,China;Nursing Department,Affiliated Beijing Chaoyang Hospital,Capital Medical University,Beijing 100020,China;Emergency Department,Affiliated Beijing Chaoyang Hospital,Capital Medical University,Beijing 100020,China)
出处 《中华现代护理杂志》 2022年第22期3067-3070,共4页 Chinese Journal of Modern Nursing
关键词 综述 护士 急诊科 继发性创伤应激 Review Nurses Emergency Department Secondary traumatic stress
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