
传承百廿薪火 再谱时代华章 加快建设特色鲜明、有国际影响的一流大学 被引量:1

Inheriting the Fine Tradition Established in the Past 120 Years and Achieving New Glories in the New Era:To Accelerate Building NNU into a Distinctive World⁃Class University
摘要 今年是南京师范大学百廿华诞。南京师范大学肇始三江、校史峥嵘,是中国高等师范教育的南方发祥地,在120年筚路蓝缕、艰苦奋斗的过程中,始终坚守“教育报国”理想,为国家民族培养了大批优秀人才,在实现中华民族伟大复兴的过程中作出了重要贡献。党的十八大以来,学校党委行政团结带领全校师生,全面贯彻党的教育方针、落实立德树人根本任务,大力推进学校内涵式高质量发展,“双一流”建设取得标志性成果。承载百廿荣光,迈入第三个甲子新征程,南京师范大学将立足“两个大局”,胸怀“国之大者”,明确方向、科学擘画,从四个方面狠下功夫:一是加强党的领导和党的建设,推进学校治理体系和治理能力现代化;二是坚持特色发展与整体建设相结合,加快提升学校综合实力;三是选好育好用好“第一资源”,大力建设高层次人才队伍;四是持续改善学校的保障条件,不断汇聚事业发展新动能,以此推动学校事业高质量发展,开启学校事业发展新篇章。 This year marks the 120th anniversary of the founding of Nanjing Normal University(NNU).Originating from Sanjiang Normal College,NNU has a glorious history and is one of the cradles of China's higher teacher education.During its 120 years of hard work,the university has always adhered to the ideal of“serving the nation through education”,cultivated a large number of outstand⁃ing talents for China and made important contributions to the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC,the Party Committee and Administrative Committee of NNU have united and led all its teachers and students to comprehensively implement the Party's education policy,carry out the fundamental task of fostering virtue and nurturing talents,vigor⁃ously promote the intensive high⁃quality development of the university,and achieve landmark results in the initiative to build a double first⁃class university.Carrying the glory of the 120th anniversary and starting the third 60⁃year journey,we will proceed from the“two big situations”,keep in mind“the greatness of the country”,and make clear objectives and sound plannings for our future development.To be specific,we will make great efforts in the following four aspects:the first is to strengthen the leadership of the Party and the construction of the Party,and promote the modernization of our govern⁃ance system and capacity;the second is to stick to the strategy of combining the characteristic develop⁃ment and overall construction so as to accelerate the improvement of NNU's comprehensive strength;the third is to recruit,nurture and make a good use of the“first resource”so as to build a high⁃level talent team;the fourth is to continue to improve the supporting conditions of the university,and constantly gather new momentum for high quality development so as to open a new chapter in the development of NNU.
作者 王成斌 WANG Chengbin(the Party Committee of Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023)
出处 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期5-10,共6页 Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 南京师范大学 百廿华诞 教育报国 立德树人 内涵式高质量发展 Nanjing Normal University 120th anniversary serving the nation through education fostering virtue and nurturing talents intensive high⁃quality development
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