

Experimental study on the number of wrapping layers of carbon fiber cloth and the bonding properties of steel pipes
摘要 网架施工过程中经常会出现杆件接长的情况,当接长处焊缝质量不符合规范要求时,有必要进行补强或加固处理。选取网架结构中用量较大的三种规格杆件,分别外包不同层数的碳纤维布,通过分析试件破坏时的力学性能、破坏模式等内容,探讨碳纤维布包裹层数与钢管粘结性能之间的关系,以期能找出二者之间的量化关系。 During the construction of grid structures,the extension of members often occurs.When the weld quality of the extension does not meet the requirements of the specification,it is necessary to strengthen or strengthen it.In this paper,three kinds of large-scale members in grid structure are selected and wrapped with different layers of carbon fiber cloth.By analyzing the mechanical properties and failure mode of the specimens,the relationship between the number of layers wrapped by carbon fiber cloth and the bond performance of steel pipes is discussed,in order to find out the quantitative relationship between them.
作者 王永 程建伟 Wang Yong;Cheng Jianwei(Xuzhou College of Industrial Technology,Xuzhou 221400,China)
出处 《山西建筑》 2022年第18期43-45,共3页 Shanxi Architecture
关键词 碳纤维布 网架杆件 包裹层数 加固方法 carbon fiber cloth grid members number of cladding layers reinforcement method
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