In this paper,we propose a new high accuracy discretization based on the ideas given by Chawla and Shivakumar for the solution of two-space dimensional nonlinear hyper-bolic partial differential equation of the form utt=A(x,y,t)uxx+B(x,y,t)uyy+g(x,y,t,u,ux,uy,ut),0<x,y<1,t>0 subject to appropriate initial and Dirichlet boundary conditions.We use only five evaluations of the function g and do not require any fictitious points to discretize the differential equation.The proposed method is directly applicable to wave equation in polar coordinates and when applied to a linear telegraphic hyperbolic equation is shown to be unconditionally stable.Numerical results are provided to illustrate the usefulness of the proposed method.
“The University of Delhi”under research grant No.Dean(R)/R&D/2010/1311.