
资本主义趋向问题及相关论争的思想史考察 被引量:3

The Ideological History Study of the Trend of Capitalism and Related Debates
摘要 资本主义趋向问题是贯穿马克思主义发展史的核心问题之一。从19世纪马克思恩格斯围绕“两个必然”论断进行政治经济学论证,到20世纪由资本主义“适应论”和“变质论”引发的一系列论争,再到21世纪资本主义危机频现推动对这一问题研究的复苏,马克思主义研究者们对资本主义结构体系的分析不断深入,对资本主义未来走向的认识也愈加清晰。对这一问题研究总体经历了由预判资本主义消亡结局向全方位批判资本主义社会结构体系的转变过程,贯穿这一思想史发展过程的主题是通过对资本主义生产方式和资本主导逻辑的批判,论证资本主义社会的历史性衰落趋势和资本积累极限存在的客观性。资本主义与社会主义两制长期共存竞争的格局并不会从根本上改变资本主义的历史命运。 The tendency of capitalism is one of the core issues throughout the development history of Marxism.In the 19 th century,Marx and Engels put forward the conclusion of“two inevitabilities”,and proved the theory with methods of Marxist political economics.In the 20 th century,the capitalist“adaptation theory”and“metamorphism theory”raised a wave of discussion.The capitalist crises in the 21 st century promote the revival of the research on this issue.Marxist researchers have deepened their analysis of the structural system of capitalism,and have a clearer understanding of the future of capitalism.The research on this issue has generally gone through a transition process from predicting the prospect of capitalism’s demise to comprehensively criticizing the capitalist social structural system.The theme of the study is to demonstrate the historical decline trend of capitalist society and the existence of the limit of capital accumulation with capital critique.The long-term coexistence and competition between capitalism and socialism will not fundamentally change the historical destiny of capitalism.
作者 张艳萍 ZHANG Yanping(School of Marxism,China University of Political Science and Law,Beijing 100088,China)
出处 《重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第4期9-19,共11页 Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目:社会主义理论维度下的英国新左翼思想及其当代价值研究(19CKS031) 北京高校中国特色社会主义理论研究协同创新中心(中国政法大学)项目。
关键词 资本主义趋向 马克思主义发展史 “两个必然” “适应论” “变质论” tendency of capitalism development history of Marxism “two inevitabilities” “adaptation theory” “metamorphic theory”
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