In order to implement the Protocol to Accelerate the Development of 5G Industry,promote the application scenarios of 5G and advance the combination of the 5G network with ultra-high-defi nition video,AR or VR,robotics and other technologies to enhance consumers’experience in cultural entertainment,online shopping,intelligent travel,etc.,this article conducts the K-means cluster analysis on the behaviors and preferences of visitors to Hangzhou based on three sub-branches of visitor behaviors in the digital era,and divides the preferences of visitors to Hangzhou into four categories,including sensitivity-based recommendation algorithm,social media and we-media actively obtaining information,technology interactive experience,and relying on travel path customization and positioning recommended items,and establishes the 5G tourism digital marketing system which is made of the front end of consumption data mining and cloud computing,middle end of digital media marketing integration,and back end of upgrading cloud big data service information platforms.It also provides referencing strategies for tourism management,promotion departments and tourism businesses based on detailed plans formulated according to the characteristics of Hangzhou’s tourism and leisure industry and products to adapt to digital marketing in the 5G era.
FU Zhiyuan(Zhejiang Business College Hangzhou,Zhejiang 310052)
China Journal of Commerce