

Research Progress of Radiochemical Sensors of ^(99)Tc and ^(90)Sr
摘要 ^(99)Tc和^(90)Sr是环境放射化学重点关注的两种β放射性核素,放化传感器可以实现水溶液中这两种核素的现场直接测量,有望用于核电站、后处理厂、放射性废物处理处置设施、医用同位素生产设施等核设施周边环境水和液态流出物中^(99)Tc和^(90)Sr的实时监测。本文系统介绍了^(99)Tc和^(90)Sr放化传感器的基本原理、双功能树脂类型、微型柱结构、研究及应用现状等,指出了制约放化传感器发展技术方面的主要因素,并对我国发展β核素放化传感器技术提出了建议。 β-emitter radionuclides ^(99)Tc and ^(90)Sr are key research topics in environmental radio-chemistry.The radiochemical sensors can be used to measure theseβ-emitter radionuclides directly on site,meeting the monitoring requirements of ^(99)Tc and ^(90)Sr in environmental waters and liquid effluents of nuclear power plants,reprocessing plants,radioactive waste disposal facilities and radioisotope production facilities.The basic principles,dual functional resin,the structure of microcolumn,current status and the comparison with conventional analysis method were systematically discussed in this paper.And the main factors restricting the development of radiochemical sensors were pointed out,and some suggestions on the development of radiochemical sensor technology ofβ-emitter nuclides in our country were proposed.
作者 宋志君 张生栋 杨素亮 丁有钱 王秀凤 孙雪杰 SONG Zhi-jun;ZHANG Sheng-dong;YANG Su-liang;DING You-qian;WANG Xiu-feng;SUN Xue-jie(China Institute of Atomic Energy,P.O.Box 275(126),Beijing 102413,China)
出处 《核化学与放射化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期401-411,共11页 Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemistry
关键词 放化传感器 ^(99)Tc ^(90)Sr 双功能树脂 radiochemical sensors ^(99)Tc ^(90)Sr dual functional resin
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