

Notable Achievement after Painstaking Efforts and Original Creativity:A Study on Director WU Renzhi
摘要 “孤岛时期四大导演之一”、上海戏剧学院导演学领军人物吴仞之先生一生导演过百余部演出,早年以导演《人之初》一鸣惊人,参与创建上海剧专,在舞美领域也颇有建树。他遵循现实主义美学原则,注重人物塑造,被评论家称为“中国少数的苦心孤诣、自辟门径的导演”。吴仞之在八旬高龄撰写的论著《导演全程经纬录》,是运用唯物辩证法总结自己一生创作实践的理论结晶,包含着自成体系、独具一格的美学思想、艺术见解与戏剧观念。他从艺术与科学的相互关系、从导演工序入手,探索出“分场分析法的三条原则与六项步骤”“导演构思的八点设想与四种类型”“排练的五大阶段与卅条技法”等独特的导演学基本原理与方法,这是理论与实践的紧密结合,也是我国导演学宝库中难得的财富。 WU Renzhi,one of the four directors in the“Isolated Island”period and a leading scholar of directing studies in Shanghai Theatre Academy,had directed more than 100 performances throughout his life.In his early career,he gained popular recognition for his directing of The Beginning of Life,and then participated in the establishment of Shanghai Theatre Academy.He also made great achievements in the field of stage design.He followed the aesthetic principles of realism and attached importance to characterization.He was called“one of the few directors with notable achievement after painstaking efforts and original creativity”by theatre critics.His book A Director's Journey,written when he was in his eighties,is a theoretical work where,with materialist dialectics,he summarized the creations and practice of all his life.It contains his theatre aesthetics,opinions and concepts which are distinctive and systematic.Starting from the relation between art and science and also from the directing process,he explored and proposed some distinctive basic principles and methods of directing,such as“three principles and six steps of scene-based analysis”,“eight points and four types of directing conception”,“five stages and 30 techniques of rehearsal”,which,as combination of theory and practice,prove to be the rare wealth in the treasure house of directing studies in China.
作者 张仲年 ZHANG Zhongnian
机构地区 上海戏剧学院
出处 《戏剧艺术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期101-115,共15页 Theatre Arts
基金 中央戏剧学院“中央高校建设世界一流大学(学科)和特色发展引导专项资金”资助项目“中国话剧导演学派的形成与发展”(YLKY2002)的阶段性成果。
关键词 吴仞之 人之初 孤岛时期四大导演 导演全程经纬录 分场分析法 WU Renzhi The Beginning of Life four great directors in the“Isolated Island”period A Director's Journey scene-based analysis
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