
科学数据存储库的发展态势与推进策略 被引量:2

The Development Trend and Promotion Strategy of Science Data Repository
摘要 [目的/意义]基于Re3data平台元数据对科学数据存储库的发展态势进行多维度分析和讨论,在分析结果的基础上提出推进策略,为开放科学环境下科学数据存储基础设施的进一步发展提供决策参考.[方法/过程]通过API接口采集Re3data平台2767条元数据并进行数据清洗和构建数据集,在此基础上对国内外存储库发展从基本情况、存储库管理、存储库服务3个层面进行多维度宏观观测和扫描,并辅以微观层面上相应存储库典型代表的个案描述,从而归纳出当前数据存储库面临的挑战,并提出推进策略.[结果/结论]科学数据存储库总量呈持续增长态势;科学数据存储库内容格式、存储库类型划分更加多样;存储库技术框架、元数据标准、数据服务形式呈现出多元形式并存的局面.这些多样性和多元化的发展态势同时也带来了一定的挑战.需要构建良性循环的数据共享激励生态体系;增强异构数据存储库平台的互操作性能;推动存储库学科层面元数据标准的规范化;加强存储库数据管理人员的培训和指导,以应对多元化态势带来的挑战. [Purpose/Significance]Based on the metadata of Re3data platform,this paper makes a multi-dimensional analysis on the development trend of scientific data repository,and puts forward promotion strategies on the basis of the analysis results,so as to provide decision-making references for the further development of the infrastructure of scientific data repository in an open science environment.[Method/Process]Collect 2767 pieces of metadata of Re3data platform through API interface,clean data and build data set.On the basis of the data set,the paper conducted a multi-dimensional macro observations and scans of the development of domestic and foreign repositories,including three levels of the basic situation of the repository,repository management,and repository services.In this process,the paper demonstrated the case description of the repository at the micro level.Then the paper summarized the challenges faced by current data repositories and proposed strategies for advancement.[Result/Conclusion]The total amount of scientific data repository is increasing continuously.The content formats and types of scientific data repositories are more diversified.The framework of repository technology,metadata standard and data service form coexist in multiple forms.These development trends in diversity also bring challenges.It is necessary to build a virtuous cycle of data sharing incentive ecological system,enhance interoperability of heterogeneous data repository platform,promote discipline standardization of repository metadata standards and strengthen the training and guidance of repository data managers to meet the challenges posed by diversity.
作者 于会萍 宛玲 Yu Huiping;Wan Ling(School of Management,Hebei University,Baoding 071002;Library of North China Electric Power University,Baoding 071002)
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第15期107-115,共9页 Library and Information Service
基金 河北省社会科学基金项目"开放数据环境下Altmetrics在科研成果评价中的应用研究"(项目编号:HB19TQ005)研究成果之一。
关键词 科学数据管理 数据存储库 发展态势 多维度分析 scientific data management data repository development trend multi-dimensional analysis
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