

A Study of Pathways to Evidence-Based Professionalization of Principal Evaluation in the United States——From the Perspective of Professional Organizations
摘要 美国校长评价的专业化是以专业组织对循证支持的校长效能评价的贡献和行动为基础的。以专业组织为分析视角,专业组织对循证支持的校长效能评价的贡献与行动为分析思路,探究美国校长评价专业化的路径,发现专业协会、专门化研究中心和社会团体三类专业组织在美国循证支持的校长效能评价上作出了突出贡献和行动,构成了美国校长评价专业化的三条路径:(1)专业协会制定循证支持的校长效能评价方案;(2)专门化研究中心为校长效能评价提供循证支持;(3)社会团体推广循证支持的校长效能评价研究成果。校长评价的改革似可以考虑充分发挥专业组织的力量,鼓励校长评价专业组织依托自身专业知识生产、证据生成和成果转化的优势,引领我国不同区域校长评价的改革,并通过研发本土化、循证支持的校长效能评价方案,促进我国不同区域、不同层次、不同类别校长评价的科学化和专业化。 The professionalization of principal evaluation in the United States is based on the contributions and actions of"professional organizations"to the"principal effectiveness evaluation with evidence-based support".Exploring the pathways of professionalization of principal evaluation in the United States through the analytical lens of"professional organizations and their contributions and actions to evidence-based evaluation of principal effectiveness",the study found that three types of professional organizations—"professional associations""specialized research centers"and"social groups"—have made outstanding contributions to evidence-based evaluation of principal effectiveness,which paves three roads to the professionalization of principal evaluation in the United States:(1)"professional associations"develop evidence-based principal effectiveness evaluation programs;(2)"special research centers"provide evidence for principal effectiveness evaluation through researches;(3)"social groups"disseminate the results of evidence-based evaluation of principal effectiveness.It seems practicable to give full play in the reform of principal evaluation to the power of professional organizations,and to encourage them to take lead in the reform of principal evaluation in different regions by taking advantage of their strength in professional knowledge production,evidence generation and results transformation,and through the development and promotion of evidence-based evaluation of principal effectiveness plan that is rich with local,urban and rural areas characteristics to promote the scientific and professional evaluation of principals in different regions and categories,or on various levels in our country.
作者 李华 严可健 LI Hua;YAN Kejian(Department of Education,Guangzhou University,Guangzhou 510006,China;ollege of Literature and Journalism,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610207,China)
出处 《比较教育学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期79-92,共14页 Journal of Comparative Education
关键词 美国 校长评价专业化 循证支持 专业组织 the United States the professionalization of principal evaluation evidence-based support professional organizations
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