The story of Mother Ghost Nurturing a Child is a genre which takes the plot of the ghost of a dead mother’s coming back to raise her young child as the core motif.The genre was maturing gradually during the period from the Northern and Southern Dynasties to Song Dynasty;During the Yuan and Ming Dynasties,the plots of the Chinese Story of Mother Ghost Nurturing a Child were full of twists and turns,and the content was richer and more vivid,showing realistic and compound tendencies;From the QingDynasty to modern times,the story of Mother Ghost Nurturing a Child showed the characteristics of folklore,with strong explanatory characteristics and strong regional characteristics.Nationwide,the story of Mother Ghost Nurturing a Child is mainly spread in Liaoning,Fujian,Taiwan,Jiangsu,Hebei,Anhui,Guangdong and other regions.Its geographical distribution is mainly banded and dotted,with a band-like distribution in the eastern part from the Bohai Sea to the Beibu Gulf,and a scattered dotted distribution in the central and westernregions.Exploring the historical origin and geographical distribution of this genre of story is helpful to comprehensively grasp the Mother Ghost Nurturing a Child Story as a whole and broaden the horizon of storytelling research.
Fan Xiaoling(Department of Chinese Language and Literature,Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510275,Guangdong)
Journal of Yangtze University(Social Sciences Edition)
Mother Ghost Nurturing a Child Story
story derivatives
school of historical geography
historical origin
geographical distribution