
利奈唑胺对基线血小板减少患者血小板的影响评估 被引量:1

Evaluation of the effect of linezolid on platelets in patients with baseline thrombocytopenia
摘要 目的 评价利奈唑胺在基线血小板减少患者临床使用中的安全性。方法 收集利奈唑胺治疗患者316例,根据基线血小板计数分为基线血小板减少组(94例)和正常组(222例),比较两组血小板下降率和下降幅度的差异,以及基线血小板减少组中基线Ⅰ/Ⅱ级、Ⅲ/Ⅳ级的血小板下降率的差异。结果 基线血小板减少组和正常组患者的血小板下降率、下降幅度比较,差异均无统计学意义(χ^(2)=0.63,t=-0.30,P均>0.05);基线血小板减少组中的Ⅰ/Ⅱ级、Ⅲ/Ⅳ级的血小板下降率比较,差异亦无统计学意义(χ^(2)=0.17,P>0.05)。结论 基线血小板减少患者和基线血小板正常患者在使用利奈唑胺的过程中血小板减少风险无差异。 Objective To evaluate the clinical safety of linezolid in patients with baseline thrombocytopenia. Methods A total of 316 patients treated with linezolid were collected and divided into baseline thrombocytopenia group(n=94)and normal group(n=222)according to the baseline platelet count.The differences in the rate of platelet decline and the range of platelet decline between the two groups were compared,as well as the difference in the rate of platelet decline between theⅠ/ⅡandⅢ/Ⅳpatients in the baseline thrombocytopenia group. Results There was no significant difference in the ratio and range of platelet decline between the baseline thrombocytopenia group and the normal group(χ^(2)=0.63,t=-0.30,P>0.05).There was no significant difference in the rate of grade Ⅰ/Ⅱ and Ⅲ/Ⅳ thrombocytopenia in the baseline thrombocytopenia group(χ^(2)=0.17,P>0.05). Conclusion There was no difference in the risk of thrombocytopenia between patients with baseline thrombocytopenia and patients with baseline normal platelet during the use of linezolid,which provided an important drug reference for patients with severe infection and thrombocytopenia.
作者 张香云 张俊丽 吕芳芳 ZHANG Xiangyun;ZHANG Junli;LYV Fangfang(Department of Cardiovascular,The Third Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University of traditional Chinese Medicine,Hangzhou 310020,China)
出处 《全科医学临床与教育》 2022年第8期706-708,共3页 Clinical Education of General Practice
基金 浙江省医药卫生科技计划项目(2018ZD030)。
关键词 利奈唑胺 基线血小板减少 血小板下降幅度 linezolid baseline thrombocytopenia range of platelet decline
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