

An Analysis of“Evaluation Education”Based on the Quality of Education
摘要 教育领域的评价需要兼顾过程质量与结果质量。“教育评价”一词的使用无法反映教育领域评价与质量之间的内在关系,割裂了教育领域的评价与质量的统一。代替“教育评价”与教育领域中的评价活动相对应的语词是“评价教育”。“评价教育”是基于教育的评价,可以彰显教育的实践品格,是基于教育质量形成的评价,能使教育主体和评价主体合二为一。评价教育的实践操作思路是教育者的教育反思,即反思“教育研究反思型存在”,反思“教育观念型存在”,反思“教育活动型存在”。教育者欲完成评价教育的实践活动,需要对教育之真有深刻的认识,对教育之善有共情,对教育之美有追求,要做“有理想信念、有道德情操、有扎实知识、有仁爱之心”的好教师。 From the perspective of the formation of education quality,we believe that evaluation in the field of education needs to take the quality of process and the quality of results into account.The usage of the term“educational evaluation”does not reflect the intrinsic relationship between evaluation and quality in the field of education,while which divides the unity of evaluation and quality in the field of education.The corresponding term in place of“educational evaluation”to evaluation activities in the field of education is“evaluation education”.“Evaluation education”is based on the evaluation of education,which can highlight the practical character of education.It is based on the evaluation formed by the quality of education,which can make the main body of education and the main body of evaluation into one.The practical operation idea of evaluating education is the educational reflection of educators that is reflecting on the“reflective existence of educational research”,reflecting on the“existence of educational concepts”,and reflecting on the“existence of educational activities”.Teacher who want to complete the practical activities of evaluating education need to have a profound understanding of the truth of education,empathize with the goodness of education,pursue the beauty of education.They must be a good teacher with“ideals and beliefs,moral sentiments,solid knowledge,and benevolent heart”.
作者 郭建斌 GUO Jianbin
出处 《现代教育论丛》 2022年第4期84-90,112,共8页 Modern Education Review
基金 华东师范大学“生命·实践”教育学研究院2017年度大学生招标重点课题“‘生命·实践’教育学与马克思主义哲学”。
关键词 教育评价 评价教育 教育质量 教师反思 Educational evaluation Evaluation education Quality of education Teacher reflection
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