CBP是收发机柜参数工具(I/R CaBinet Parameter tool)的英文缩写,是一款由法国THALES公司研究开发、安装在THALES RSM970S型雷达本地监控主机LTM上,用于进行雷达各项参数配置的软件。此款软件有着强大全面的功能和简洁易上手的人机界面,其配置参数基本涵盖了雷达维护人员维护所需,通过使用此款软件,雷达维护人员可以直观方便地对雷达日常运行参数、状态进行必要的监控和管理,本文就该工具的机制和具体应用进行研究说明。
CBP is the English abbreviation of I / R cabinet parameter tool.It is a software researched and developed by French THALES company and installed on THALES RSM970s radar local monitoring host LTM for radar parameter configuration.This software has powerful and comprehensive functions and simple and easy-to-use man-machine interface.Its configuration parameters basically cover the maintenance needs of radar maintenance personnel.By using this software,radar maintenance personnel can intuitively and conveniently monitor and manage radar daily operation parameters and states.This paper studies and explains the mechanism and specific application of this tool.
GAO Yonggang(Anhui air traffic control branch of civil aviation,Hefei 230051,China)
Digital Communication World