
抗战时期郑振铎抢救中华文献事迹谈 被引量:1

Zheng Zhenduo’s Rescuing of Chinese Literature During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression
摘要 [目的/意义]郑振铎是现代作家、文学史家、著名学者、藏书家,也是中国民主促进会发起人之一。古籍是中国文化遗产中的一份珍贵宝藏,日军占领上海之际,我们许多珍贵的文化遗产面临着摧毁和掠夺。在此背景下,郑振铎先生冒着生命危险联合出版界人,对小说、戏曲和有精美版画的稀见书籍开展中华古籍文献抢救行动。为国家抢救中华文献应该是郑振铎毕生的重要成就之一。[方法/过程]在简要介绍郑振铎生平事略、著述与收藏概况的基础上,分析郑振铎先生抢救中华文献的原由和决心。从书名、作者与责任方式、册数、版本几方面对郑振铎《劫中得书记》中所收录图书进行梳理和统计,发现整个抗战时期郑振铎抢救的中华文献达3800多种。[结果/结论]还原郑振铎蛰居上海孤独、清冷的生活,通过描述抢救《脉望馆抄校古今杂剧》事件,反映其所遇到的困难和所抢救中华文献的重要性,突出郑振铎先生为灾难中的祖国保存中华文献所做出的突出贡献。 [Purpose/significance]Zheng Zhenduo is a modern writer,a literary historian,a famous scholar,a bibliographer,and one of the initiators of China association for the promotion of democracy.Ancient books are a precious treasure of China’s cultural heritage.When the Japanese occupied Shanghai,many of Chinese precious cultural heritage faced destruction and plunder.Under this background,Zheng Zhenduo risked his life to unite with the publishers to carry out the rescue operation of ancient books and documents on novels,operas and rare books with exquisite prints.Rescuing Chinese literature for the country should be one of the important achievements of Zheng Zhenduo’s life.[Method/process]Based on a brief introduction of Zheng Zhenduo’s life,works and collections,this paper analyzes the reasons and determination of Zheng Zhenduo to rescue Chinese literature.From the aspects of title,author and responsibility,number of copies and editions,through sorting and statistics of the books collected in Zheng Zhenduo’s Getting Secretary in Robbery,it is found that more than 3,800 kinds of Chinese literature were rescued by Zheng Zhenduo during the War.[Result/conclusion]This study restores the loneliness and desolation of Zheng Zhenduo’s life in Shanghai,and reflects the importance and difficulties of the Chinese literature saved through the rescue of the ancient and modern Zaju,it highlights Zheng Zhenduo’s outstanding contribution to the preservation of Chinese literature in the disaster-stricken Motherland.
作者 高丽娜 Gao Lina(Chongqing Library,Chongqing 400037,China)
机构地区 重庆图书馆
出处 《图书情报研究》 2022年第3期122-128,共7页 Library and Information Studies
关键词 郑振铎 抢救 中华文献 古籍 《劫中得书记》 Zheng Zhenduo rescued activity Chinese literature ancient literature Getting Secretary in Robbery
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