
新创业者创业教育后创业知识运用的动态分析:基于潜变量增长模型 被引量:1

Dynamics of Nascent Entrepreneurs’ Knowledge Transferring After Entrepreneurial Training:A Latent Growth Model
摘要 对180名新创业者进行6期追踪调查,从动态视角出发,挖掘创业知识运用的影响前因,及其在创业活动中的重要作用。基于自我调节理论,借助潜变量增长模型,探索创业自我效能和创业激情对创业知识运用的影响。此后,分析创业知识运用与创业进展的动态关系。结果表明,创业自我效能与创业知识运用变化率正相关,创业激情与创业知识运用初始水平正相关。创业知识运用变化率与创业进展变化率正相关。这意味具有不同自我调节变量的新创业者的创业知识运用有所差异。 Nascent entrepreneurs often join entrepreneurial trainings to capture relative knowledge for venture survival.Nonetheless,in addition to capturing entrepreneurial knowledge,transferring entrepreneurial knowledge throughout the whole venture process is more crucial for new venture development.Specifically,the keeping and growth of entrepreneurial transfer plays an important role in the whole entrepreneurial process.However,little research has been done to explore how entrepreneurial knowledge transfer continuously unfolds over time.To address the gap,this study conducted six-wave repeated measures and investigated within-person variability in the transfer of entrepreneurial knowledge after entrepreneurial training.Following the self-regulation theory,the research theorized and examined how entrepreneurial self-efficacy(ESE) and passion(EP) influenced the dynamics of entrepreneurial knowledge transfer.Due to the time-varying nature of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and passion,the research also examined whether ESE and EP had differential short-and long-term impacts on the transfer of entrepreneurial knowledge.Furthermore,the study clarified the relationship between entrepreneurial knowledge transfer and venture progress since entrepreneurial knowledge has been shown to enhance venture progress.Our study collected data from 180 nascent entrepreneurs in eight incubators and used a six-wave longitudinal study over 18 months to examine the dynamics of entrepreneurial knowledge transfer.Of the nascent entrepreneurs,35 percent were female,the average age was 31.07 years(SD = 2.67).After nascent entrepreneurs have joined entrepreneurial training over a period,the survey first measured their ESE and EP.Then,the study repeated measures of their entrepreneurial knowledge transfer and new venture progress at a three-month interval.Our study adopted the latent growth model to clarify the mean level and subsequent development of entrepreneurial knowledge transfer and examined how ESE and EP related to the mean level and subsequent development.The study also examined how the subsequent development(the mean level) of entrepreneurial knowledge transfer influenced the subsequent growth(the mean level) of new venture progress.The results showed that ESE was positively related to the subsequent development of entrepreneurial knowledge transfer(β =.04,p.05).On the other hand,EP was positively related to the mean level of entrepreneurial knowledge transfer(β =.16,p.05).The finding also showed that the subsequent development of entrepreneurial knowledge transfer was positively related to subsequent growth of new venture progress(β = 1.25,p.05).The research extended existing understanding by exploring the dynamics of entrepreneurial knowledge transfer after entrepreneurial training.Furthermore,the study provided a new insight regarding the differential effects of ESE and EP on entrepreneurial knowledge transfer by which future research should consider the time-varying nature of ESE and EP.Finally,departing from the existing research that focused on student population,the study examined the temporal dynamics of entrepreneurial knowledge transfer in the nascent entrepreneur population,which can provide more practical implications.
作者 李其容 杨艳宇 李春萱 Li Cirong;Yang Yanyu;Li Chunxuan(School of Business and Management,Jilin University,Changchun,130022)
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期394-401,共8页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(71602067) 吉林大学廉政建设专项研究课题(2020LZY009) 吉林大学哲学社会科学校级重点研究基地重大项目(2019XXJD01) 吉林大学博士研究生交叉学科科研资助计划(101832020DJX018)的资助。
关键词 创业知识运用 创业教育 创业自我效能 创业激情 潜变量增长模型 entrepreneurial knowledge transfer entrepreneurial training entrepreneurial self-efficacy entrepreneurial passion latent growth model
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